It's what makes us human.

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Selina pov

I stood silently, my gaze fixed upon the minute devise that Bruce presented before me. I swallowed, before glancing up to see his expression smug and hopeful.

"This isn't mine." I stated calmly, determined to protect my identity.

"You don't have to pretend with me." He whispered, stepping forward to uncross my arms and place the memory stick into my hands before curling my fingers around it.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I muttered under my breath, not sounding convincing at all.

"I know who you are Selina." He replied, his voice clam and reassuring.

"How?" Is all I could manage to choke out, my eyes falling to stare at the ground.

"You're not as inconspicuous as you think. Especially not to someone who knows you like I do." He muttered, stepping even closer to me.

"You had Tabitha's whip. That whip belonged to Selina before it did Cat. The blade you left with on that night you first came to see me, I took it from your chapel hide. I knew I wasn't dreaming when I saw you at the warehouse. And finally, you didn't freak out about the fact that I launched a batarang at you." He chuckled quietly, sweetly.

"You've known all this time?" I asked, a little horrified at how observant he was, and at how careless I had been.

"Not until that night on the roof. Cat called me B. The only person to ever call me B like that is you Selina. It had to be you." He answered, placing his forehead on mine and pulling me close.

I went to step away, but he wound his arms around me.

"Don't go. I know this is what you fear. People knowing you; the real you. But you don't have to run from yourself Selina. Not when you're here. Not when you're with me." He whispered, is breath hitching.

"Bruce... I..." I began, trying to find an excuse to disappear, to hide from myself.

"Don't. Please. Don't go. I'm scared too. The two people I care about most are one. That means if you go, Cat does too. I'm terrified that I'm going to loose you again Selina. Terrified that you're going to slip through my fingers after all this time that I spent fighting to be close to you again. I know you're afraid, but so am I. You're afraid to feel, but so am I. It's what makes us human." He finished, tears rolling freely down his face.

His words cut right through me, a shiver coasting down my spine, pricking at every nerve in my body.

I looked up at him, our eyes locking as I pressed my lips to his softly, holding them there momentarily before pulling back.

A knowing look crossed his features and his grip on my waist tightened.

"Why do I feel like that was a goodbye?" He choked out, tears running rapidly now.

"Because it's easier this way. Me in the shadows, you in your fancy house. Our two worlds are too far apart, paths meant to cross but never travel alongside. I can't do this Bruce. I can't break all the rules." I whispered, holding back the tears.

And then I was gone. In a flash I had left his arms and vanished into the blackness of the night. 

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