Episode 38

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The oberois are in the car:-

Anika: I can't wait to meet the rest...they must be so worried!

Prinku: yes bhabhi, you're right... (suddenly the puppy jumps from her hand and walks to rudra who is sitting in the window seat ...it sits on him quietly...

Rudra: arre, what happened buddy?

Gauri: I think even it's missing it's family...like how we all are...

Rudra: hey don't worry, well get you to your owners cutie...

(he opens the window, the puppy sits on the handle and puts it's head outside and takes out it's tongue, just like what dogs do..)

Om: hey, put it's head inside , it's dangerous...

Rudra: o! Dogs love long rides and taking their heads out...give it some space!

Om: okay okay, Mr.dog lover!

Shivaay eats biscuits which jhanvi had sent through the car...the puppy sees him eating and jumps to his lap...

Shivaay: hey! Get off!

Anika: shivaay, can you be a little more rude please!

Shivaay: what? I told you to keep it away from me right? It randomly jumps on me and your yelling at me?

Anika: maybe he's hungry shivaay...offer him a biscuit.

Shivaay: biscuit for it? No way! For your information Anika, these biscuits are branded...I'm not going to waste them on this cheap dog!

(the puppy starts barking...shivaay covers his ears)

Shivaay: sto..stop okay? Just stop irritating me!

Om: just give him a biscuit shivaay!

Rudra: yes Bhaiya! Please! Then it'll stop barking and irritating you...it's such a sweet puppy...

Shivaay: fine but just one...eat it and go okay?

He feeds the puppy...the puppy comes and licks his hand...

Shivaay: eww! Stop! Just go!

He pushes the puppy, it gets scared and runs to the back seat...the others give their share of biscuit to the puppy...

Rudra: I think we should name him...

Anika: okay!

Rudra: I have an idea!

Om: what?

Rudra: lets name it SSO!

Anika: what!

Rudra: sweet Singh oberoi bhabhi! What did you think I will spoil Bhaiya's name? Never! Let him be stone Singh oberoi!

Not many people know that you call him sso...when we'll call sso, then both the sso's will turn, then we'll tell parayadhan Bhaiya that we weren't calling you, we were calling our buddy!

Everyone start laughing...

Shivaay: rudra...

Rudra: huh?

Shivaay: shut up!

Rudra: Bhaiya, if I shut up then we won't be able to decide a name!

Shivaay: you do realise right that the dog isn't ours...so it must be having a name which we will get to know when we rightfully give it to it's owner...

Prinku: yes Bhaiya, but we cannot keep calling it puppy...

Gauri: I think, for now let's just stick with the name buddy...

Anika: ya, it doesn't sound that bad...anyways in two-three days it'll be with it's actual family...

Rudra: I'll miss it...

Soumya: me too...

Om: ya, I think all of us except shivaay will miss it...

Shivaay: oh! Thank god we reached!

They slowly get down from the car, and see the elders waiting at the entrance...

Jhanvi: finally you guys came! Are you all fine?

Shivaay: yes badi ma,  we're all fine!

(they all hug each other)

buama: we were so worried...you all look so worn out!

Om: buama, I think the first thing we need to do is take a good hot shower!

Buama: yes...ofcourse, your rooms are ready upstairs...there's one big penthouse which has four other rooms...I think you all can manage there?

Gauri : ofcourse buama ji ! Don't worry...

Rudra: mom, see I got a gift for you...

Jhanvi: gift from the forest?

Rudra: yes mom...

He calls buddy..and lifts him in his arms and shows it to them...

Pinky: oh my Mata! You get dogs in forests?

Rudra: it was lost, hungry and the world seemed to disappear from it's own eyes and...

Om: rudra stop the drama! Actually mom, it's owner lives in lonavala...once we reach to the address, we'll give it back...

Jhanvi: oh okay...

Shivaay: by the way, bade papa, how did you get to know that we're stranded there? And the car was ready, waiting for us?

Tej: Didn't Rudra tell you that he called me yesterday night?

Shivaay: rudra called?

Tej: he called me first but I think there was a network issue...then he called again and told me that you all were in the forest of the highway...so I sent nandesh work the inova to pick you all up...he recognised the broken car and waited in the opposite lane, but none of you were there...so he waited till morning until you all found the car...

Rudra: Bhaiya, I was trying to tell....

Shivaay: please rudra, I don't want to hear anything...I'm way too tired...

Rudra: but...

Om: you shouldn't have hidden it rudra!

Anika: thank you nandesh Bhaiya, you waited for us the whole night...you didn't sleep properly nor go back home...

Nandesh: why are you saying thank you Anika Maam, I was just doing my duty...

Anika: no, but you deserve this...take...

(she gives him some money)

Nandesh: no maam, there is no need for..

Anika: just keep it!

Nandesh: thank you Maam..

Anika: you're welcome...

(they all go)

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