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"In this passionate world of heroes am I even worth it anymore?"

The words rang through my head, as a sharp pain was brought to my tanned stomach. The blows were agonising, unbearable; leather against skin, fist against muscle.
"You're nothing Deku, just a quirkless," thump "piece of," thump, "shit!" Crunch

I let out an ear piercing scream, though it was engulfed by the roaring laughter of the infamous ash blond, quickly followed by his band of goons, a choir of unorganised taunts.
"C'mon, lets go," I heard, or I think I heard, everything I felt was just a whirlwind of sense, nothing curtain or clear.

Dragging myself up, I slung my mustard yellow backpack through my arms, the weight was enough to almost bring me back down but I glued my self in stance.

As if on cue, the bell rang and I hobbled my way to class. Judging eyes following me the whole trip. I slipped through the sliding doors of the classroom and slouched In my chair. All conversations came to a holt, as if I was the knife cutting the sea of noise.

The lesson went as usual, the teacher rambling on about things everybody already knew about, occasionally questioning students who had drifted of from his boring lesson. It was a little amusing when they stuttered out a wrong answer, but I couldn't care less
The final bell rang and I stuffed my belongings into my bag, letting out a sigh, I cradled my notes in my arms. The worn out paper and stained covers were one of my only comforts, they carried hundreds of quirks and powers within, maybe even thousands. They are priceless to me, but as they say 'one mans treasure is another mans trash'
I came crashing to the floor, my notes scattering like marbles in a broken sack
"What's this crap?" He spat as he picked up my latest volume, "HAHA!" his laughter echoed through the empty halls, " Why would a piece-of-crap nobody write about something he'll never deserve to have!?" He yelled through the hall, "God. Why do even talk to people like you?" he said, as his hands began to spark, "NO DON'T PLEASE KACHAN!" Crackle " Why?!" BOOM.

"Here's your book nerd," he spat as he frizbeed it out the window, "NO!" I screamed as I ran to the ledge, feebly.

It glided down to the water feature, where the koy Karp studied it curiously. A tear danced down my cheek as I sank down to the floor, my hands still clasping the window ledge.
"Happy 14th retard," he said, "Oh and here's some advice, jump of a ledge, maybe you'll get a quirk in your next life."

He walked away, his shoes leaving a tap on the hard floor. His words lit a dim light bulb in my hollow mind. 'Maybe I should, maybe I should just end it all'



That word. It rang through my head.

"You can't become a hero without a quirk."

No. No. No. No . Of corse not.No.No


I ran down the never ending flights of stairs,  many word swirling through my head,tears rolled down my cheeks for the second time that day. Years and years torment and humiliation... Bakugou
These stairs really are never ending.


"I'M HOME!"I yelled through the small apartment building,"Izuku, hun! Where
were you!"
"I wa-"
"Have you been crying again? You never will grow up will you?" She said as she pressed her smaller plump body against mine, embracing me in a warm hug. I never really could blame her for being so oblivious of the abuse. She was my my main light in life. She supported me when no one else did, I really will miss her.
"OH! Mom I left something at school, can I go back and get it?"
"Of course hun! Be careful, I don't want you winding up dead!" She said jokingly, what am I about to do?
"Oh and Mom,"
I embraced her in a warm, long hug,"I love you."
Well I'm shook

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