Chapter 6 RWBY getting familiar with new students

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After Glynda showed them to there dorms she left.
Y/n was waiting by the dorm rooms door waiting until his students finish unpack. Team RWBY was walking down to there dorm and had noticed Y/n waiting by the unoccupied dorm rooms door.
(Ruby)‘What are you doing here Professor?‘
(Y/n)‘ Just waiting for the new Beacon students to settle in.‘
(Weiss)‘ That's weird I didn't hear anything about new students joining.‘
(Blake)‘ And they are joining in the second semester end won't it be hard for them to catch up.‘
(Y/n)‘ You girls should be more worried not to be left in the dust by my students.‘
(Weiss)‘ Wait since when do you have students of your one.‘
(Y/n)‘ I been teaching that gang of idiots for three years already.‘
(Yang)‘ So they must be strong, I want to see them fighting. I know why don't you professor arrange a practice match between us and them.‘
(Y/n)‘ I don't know if I should do that. Vytal festival tournament will start tomorrow shouldn't you all be resting.‘
(Ruby)‘ Like we could rest when we are so excited for it. Will your students participate in the tournament.‘
(Y/n)‘ No they won't.‘
(Ruby)‘ That's a shame. I wanted to see there wepoens.‘
(Y/n)‘ You do know you can just ask them to show them.‘
(Ruby)‘ But— that would be awkward and I'm not good with people.‘
(Rosalee)‘ Don't worry our group of freaks also isn't good with people.‘ Rosalee had opened the door and now was standing leaning on the doorway.
Ruby was startled by Rosallees sudden appearing. She had jumped into Yangs arms.
(Alaric)‘ Rosallee stop scaring people.‘ Alaric walks past Rosallee and stands next to Y/n.‘ Hi I'm Alaric Himura. I'm the team leader. The one standing in the doorway is Rosallee Cordova. Abellona and Insanire come out and introduce yourself.‘ Soon the two walked out of the room.‘ The one that's fiddling with cards is Insanire no one know his last name. And the little girl is Abellona also don't know her last name.’
(Abellona)‘ I don't have one.‘
(Y/n)‘ And Insanire isn't a person who talks allot.‘ Insanire just awkwardly  waved at team RWBY and the girls waved back.
(Weiss)‘ How can a little girl like she be a students of Beacon?‘ she said referring to Abellona.
(Abellona)‘ Don't call me little ice bitch.‘ and she walked back in to there dorm. Team RWBY was surprised by the way the little girl talked.
(Yang)‘ How old is she?‘
(Y/n)‘ Eleven.‘
(Yang)‘ You are a ba-.‘
(Y/n)‘ I'm not her father and I'm not trying to be one so don't waste your breath. I only took her in because she wants to gain the power to take her revenge.‘
(Blake)‘ How can a little girl like that have thoughts about revenge at such you age?‘
(Y/n)‘ If you knew her story you would understand her.‘
(Ruby)‘ And what is the story.‘
(Y/n)‘ Sorry but you'll have to ask it from herself.‘
(Yang)‘ How can we possible do that when she is like that.‘
(Y/n)‘ That one thing I hope you'll accomplish yourself. The girl needs some friends.‘
(Blake)‘ How can we get to her if she doesn't even whant to talk to us.‘
(Y/n)‘ Well I can only give you and opportunity tomorrow.‘
(Ruby)‘ What is the opportunity.‘
(Y/n)‘ I want to ask could take care of her for tomorrow. I will have a lot of work so I don't have time to be with her.‘
(Weiss)‘Why can't they look after her.‘ she points twords the rest of my students.
(Y/n)‘ They will be busy tomorrow so that why I'm asking you.‘
(Ruby)‘ We will do it.‘
(Weiss)‘ But Ruby we have the tournament tomorrow.‘
(Yang)‘ Don't worry Weiss we could leave her to team JNPR while our matches take place.‘
(Blake)‘ That would work.‘
(Ruby)‘ Then it is decided we are doimg it.‘
(Y/n)‘ Thanks I thought it would take forever to find someone to take care of her.  You wanted to see how strong are my students didn't you well as a thanks I'll arrange a small practice match between two of my students and two of your teams members today.‘
(Blake)‘ Who are going to be the ones fighting?‘
(Y/n)‘You can decide that on yourselfs. And Alaric who are going to be the representative of your team.‘ Alaric looks at Insanire, Insanire shakes his head. Alaric changed his view and looked at Rosalle. She gived an angry sight.
(Rosalle)‘ Fine I'll go.‘
(Alaric)‘ Me and Rosalle.‘
(Y/n)‘ Team RWBY I'll give you some time to decide. Let's get going to the Amphitheatre.‘
Y/n, team RWBY and Alaric with Rosallee walked of to the amphitheatre.
All of them entered the amphitheatre. Y/n took out his scroll and set up the necessities of the match.
(Y/n)‘Alright everything is set up. Teams take your places.‘ Blake and Ruby stood in one corner ( well the arena in the amphitheatre is actually a circle but you get the point) and Alaric with Rosallee stood opposite from them.‘ Are the participants ready.‘
(Ruby)‘ Ready.‘
(Alaric)‘ It's the first time that you actually ask if everyone is ready I'm quite suprised--'
(Y/n)‘  Begin!‘
Ruby ran at Alaric, while Blake ran at Rosallee.
Alaric quickly deflected Rubys attack with his sword. They clashed several more times but none of was gaining any advantage. While Ruby was moving faster then Alaric, Alaric sword strikes were faster then Rubys scythe strikes. So they were stuck in a stalemate, Ruby wasn't capable of damaging Alaric because he would block all her attacks while Alaric wasn't capable of hitting Ruby because she would dodge all his strikes.
While that was happening Blake and Rosallee were also struggling against each other. Rosallees weapons were a cutlass, two flintlock pistol and a lot of different kind of explosives and grenades. At the start of the duel Blake used her weapon gambol shroud to shoot at Rosalle, Rosallee dodged and blocked all the bullets. Because Rosallee was more of sword fighter rather than farther range fighter she, she got close to Blake  and started clashing swords with her, while Blake was capable of keeping up with Rosallee it was clear the Rosallee had alot more experience with sword fighting. Blake decided to get some distance between her and Rosallee, Blake tried to swipe Rosallees legs but Rosalle back flipped while she was doing so she dropped something next to Blakes,  Rosallee gained some distance. What Rosallee had dropped exploded realising spice in to the air around Blake. Blake tried not to breathe in any of the spice that were in the air but she failed now she was cough and also it was hard to see for her, some of the spice got inside of her eyes. Rosallee shot at Blake with her flintlock pistol, Blake used her semblance to dodge  this had suprised Rosallee as she didn't know what Blakes semblance was. Rosallee had noticed that Alaric was having some trouble dealing with Ruby, so she got a idea how to help him out. Rosallee started to run twords Blake and spartan kicked her twords were Alaric and Ruby were fighting.
While Alaric was fighting with Ruby he cept a keen eye on everything that was around them. So when he noticed what Rosallee was doing he was capable of dodging Blakes flying body but Ruby was to focused on Alaric and didn't notice Blake in time and so both of them collided.
Ruby quickly got back up and helped Blake to stand up. Blake was finally able to see better the effect of the spices was wearing of. Rosallee dropped four smoke bombs inbetween were they and them were creating a smoke wall that blocked both teams sight. Alaric ran in to the smoke. On the other side Blake and Ruby were waiting for Rosallee and Alaric next move. Alaric jumped out of the smoke on the other side, Ruby shot at him with her weapon but missed him just by a bit. Alaric went for a slashe at Blake,shr dodge it and rolled to the side and was about to shoot at Alaric but Rosalle hit her in the back with her cutlass. Alaric after failing to hit Blake spun to the side and trew his weapon at Ruby that was aiming at him, Ruby was surprised by the attack she deflected the flying katana with her weapon. But Ruby didn't notice that Alaric ran at her after throwing his weapon, after Ruby deflected the katana Alaric used Rubys face as a platform to kick-off to catch his weapon, Ruby fell to the ground after Alaric leg connectedwith her face. Alaric chought his katana that was spinning and falling trough the air after catching the katana he angled the blade downwards and started to fall twords Ruby that was still on the floor. Ruby was capable to dodge by rolling to the side at the last moment she quickly got back up and aimed at Alaric.
(Y/n)‘ Alright that's enough.‘ both teams lowered there weapons.‘ Let's call it a draw.‘
(Ruby)‘ But we still can keep going.‘
(Y/n)‘ Yes you can but tomorrow you have the tournament so I don't want to be the one responsible for you two being to tired to fight. And Ruby go help Blake she is tired.‘ Ruby turns twords Blake  and sees that Blake was kneeling on one knee and breathing heavy. Everyone from team Rwby runs up to Blake. Yang grabs hand and helps her get up.
(Blake)‘ Girls I'm okay, I'm just a bit-'
(Y/n)‘ Blake you aren't fine don't lie to you teammates.‘
(Blake)‘ It's nothing.‘
(Y/n)‘ Blake you don't need to act like your fine. You just fought against an opponent that specialises at messing with people senses and your a faunus and you have more sensitive senses so it understandably why you were at a lose in the duel.‘
(Blake)‘ I just should've done be-'
(Y/n)‘ Blake you need to understand this that if this was an one on one duel you against Rosallee you would of lost no matter what, so don't beat yourself over this, maybe you can't defeate her alone but there is also Ruby.‘
(Blake)‘But I don't want to be dead weight to them.‘
(Ruby)‘ Blake you aren't-'
(Y/n)‘ I know Blake that it is hard to feel like you aren't usefull in a duel like you aren't helping at all. But you all need to understand that this isn't an one on one fight you have your teammates if you alone can't defete, then both of you can.-'
(Blake)‘ But the opponents also have the same amout of people they can also attack us together isn't it more important for me to keep my teammate safer by fighting my opponent not in her way and it's alot harder to take out when the opponents are capable of supporting each other.‘
(Y/n)‘ but teammates are meant to fight togher not separately, you also don't need to fight the opponents while they are together you can separate then aand quickly take them out one by one.-'
(Yang)‘ But that‘s dirty tactics.‘
(Y/n)‘ Look girls you need to understand that it doesn't matter if the tactics are not so noble, in the world anything that works is considered an allowable tactics.‘
(Weiss)‘ A teacher shouldn't say that cheating is good.‘
(Y/n)‘ A teacher also shouldn't lie to his students, and I'll chose that rather then lying.‘ Y/n claps his hands.‘ Okay I think this much excitement will be enough for all of you so skedaddle.‘
(Ruby)‘ And what will you be doing professor.‘
(Y/n)‘ Ach nothing much just move these old bones around.‘
(Ruby)‘ What?‘
(Weiss)‘He is saying that he's going to train.‘
(Ruby)‘ Oohh I want to see that.‘
(Y/n)‘ Sorry Ruby but maybe next time.‘ Y/n said  as he closed the door to the amphitheatre leaving team RWBY with Alaric and Rosallee on the other side.‘ Ahhh finally peace and quiet.‘ and so Y/n set up some targets for practice.

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