Chapter 24

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Penelope's POV

    The past month has been nothing like before when Percy first imprisoned me. Ever since he realized I was pregnant, he has been treating me like a fragile angel. He moved me up from the cells and into a bedroom we share. He has given me the illusion of freedom, but I am surrounded by guards and looks on the windows. The first week I talked about James and he punched me. He immediately apologized, but the bruise stayed for about two weeks.

    I miss James with every fiber of my being, but I have to act like I love Percy instead to keep me and my baby safe. Storm knows I need to do this, but she hasn't talked to me. I know being away from her mate hurts her as much as it is hurting me. I know Percy and his dad, Hector, are planning something. Percy is gone a lot of the time, so I have been able to get to know my birth mom, Adelaide, better. Apparently Hector lost his true mate and had become obsessed with Adelaide. Hector killed my father, Joseph, and burned down their house, but kidnapped my mom and me.

"You were just an infant, and he let you stay with me for the first few months, but I refused to love him. He saw how much I loved you, and blamed you. So he sent you, and his son to live with a human family. He promised me throughout the years that if I loved him I would get to see you again. I played along, and I have come to care for him, but I never forgot about you, and I dreamed of when I would see you again." she had cried when she explained it to me the first week I was there.

Apparently Hector told Percy I was his mate, which was why he was sent to live with me and not with his dad. That explains why he was so obsessed with me, and isn't angry with Hector. I have come to realize that Percy had killed our adopted parents, because now that I know about werewolves it is clear they were killed by wolves. He killed them in order to have me for himself. Adelaide explained that when I turned sixteen the plan was to bring me back to her. Percy didn't want to share me with my mom, however, so he kidnapped me.

After I found James, Percy went back to his father, and they planned to get me back, and take over James' pack. When I learned that Percy had killed our adoptive parents, I hated him even more. Even though I hate him with every fiber of my being, I still act as though I am falling in love with him. Since Percy has been leaving me along, I begged him to give me some company. I was able to rescue Wren from the dungeons, and she has been spending time with me.

She has wounds, both mental and physical, that will take a long time to heal. I am hoping that now that she is spending time out of the cells and in a real bed, she can start healing. Even though I am living in a prison I am enjoying my time with Wren, and Adelaide. I have been here for about a month, and I figured out I was about five weeks pregnant before being kidnapped so I am almost ten weeks along. I am not showing yet, but I have gained a little pudginess. I cannot wait until I am actually showing.

Percy walked into the room smiling wide. Before I can ask why he is so excited, I feel a sharp pain in my side. I gasp before I double over in pain. I groan, but as the pain becomes sharper I let out a scream. Percy runs to me and picks me up in his arms. He hurries me to the doctors. Once he lays me down on the bed, a doctor comes and begins to exam me. She gives me something for the pain, and it turns into a dull ache. Luckily the baby is alright. She kept me there for a forty-eight hour observation. Just a few hours in I began bleeding, she fixed it, but put me on strict bed rest.

I am now laying in bed with a dull ache, and no idea what happened. I asked the doctor what happened, and she just told me it happens with new werewolf mothers sometimes. It has to do with the werewolf growing inside or me, yet that just doesn't seem right. Storm has yet to talk to me, but she has been whimpering non-stop. I know it has something to do with James, and my heart aches just thinking about him. I know that my live with Percy could be a lot worse, but I want nothing more than to be with James again.

"Are you okay, honey?" Adelaide asks as she walks in with soup. "Hector, told me what happened. I also know they didn't tell you what exactly happened."

"What do you mean?" I ask shyly.

"The pain you felt, it wasn't because of the baby. Your mate was in pain, and you felt what he was feeling."

My heart sinks as I realize what she meant, "James is hurt... Oh my... is he dead!" I scream as I feel myself start to hyperventilate.

"No, he can't be dead. If he was dead you would feel your wolf dying, and you would follow not long after."

I am a little reassured by that, but extremely upset at the thought that James is hurt and alone. I can't help, but start crying. I wrap my hands, around my waist thinking about my mate. Storm cries join my own. After crying for a while, I pull myself together. If James is hurt, that means he's not coming to rescue me, so I need to rescue him. I need to find a way to escape, with Adelaide and Wren. It may take some time, but I have to get Percy to trust me.

Percy walks in and rushes to my side when he sees me crying. He runs over and asks why I am crying.

"I just had pain again, and then I was happy because I thought of our baby growing."

He smiled and pulled me into his arms. He fell asleep with me in the arms. I grimace at the feeling of Percy's arms around me, but I need him to trust me.

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