❤ Chapter 1 💜

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"Grayson, time to leave for school!" I holler up the stairs to my adorable 3 year old son, who is in his room supposidly grabbing his backpack for 'school' which is actually daycare. In actuality probably became distracted and started playing with his toys instead of grabbing his backpack.

"Coming papa!" Grayson yells back as I hear his little feet piterpattering on the floor above me.

A few seconds later, I see him in the hall heading toward the stairs that he carefully navigates down with his backpack securely over his arms and resting on his little back. His backpack is of the Nick Jr. show Paw Patrol, which Grayson picked out himself. Smiling down at my son when he reaches the second to last stair, I gently pick him up, tickling him on the tummy as I place him on my hip so we can head out the door.

"Ready for school baby?" I ask him as I strap him into his car seat.

He giggles, playing with my teal and black stripped tie as he nods, cheerfully stating, "Yes! I see friends!"

Smiling as I gently kiss his forehead before climbing out of my 2016 Jeep Grand Cherokee. "Yup going to learn and play with your friends, baby." I shut his door before opening mine and settling into the seat and starting the vehicle and pulling away from our gated home toward daycare.

I am a published author of six books, working on my seventh one currently and I have a meeting with my publisher in an hour to hand in my manuspript for the six chapters my publisher and long time friend Naill Horan needs today. I only have twelve more chapters to write before the book will be closer to being published. The meeting today with Naill is a lunch meeting at our favorite restaurant, the local pizza parlor in London where we both live as well.

I have some errands to run before meeting with Naill and dropping Grayson off at school. I may be a successful author but I still act like I am not wealthy. I've made excellent money off the sales of my six books and financially I am set for the rest of my life as well as Grayson. I already have a college fund set in place for him when he is older as well as a trust fund for him that he can access at different stages in his life when he is older.

We live in a simple four bedroom two and a half bath home in the nicer part of London, yes but I don't spend money on items we do not need. I'm not saying that my son and I live as if we are poor but simpler than some with money live and that is their choice and I am far from judging them. Do as you please as long as you are a productive memeber of soceity and treat others with kindness then you are a rich person. Grayson needs are met as well as some of his wants but I try not to spoil him with material items but rather we spend as much time together as possible making happy memories.

Parking at the daycare center, I climb out after turning the Jeep off to unbuckle and help Grayson out of his seat and Jeep after grabs ahold of his backpack. Entering the building and signing him in, we walk to his classroom and he hangs his bag up on his hook in his cubby before we enter his classroom where we are greeted by the head teacher and her two assistants.

"Good morning Grayson, good morning Mr. Tomlinson," Perrie, the head teacher greets us with warm smiles and a hug for Grayson. The other two teachers, Gigi and Elenor follow her greeting toward Grayson and I.

"Mo'ning Miss Pewwie, morning Miss Gigi and Miss Eleno'," Grayson greets back cheerfully with a huge dimply smile that he was graced with from his other father. Even though Grayson resembles me more physically, he was graced with two dimples from his other father and I have a love-hate relationship with those dimples.

"Good morning Miss Edwards, Miss Hadid and Miss Calder," I greet back with a warm smile of my own before turning my attention back to my son.

Kneeling on the floor in front of him, he instantly jumps into my awaiting arms for a hug and a kiss on the cheek from both of us. "Have a good day and be good, okay, I'll pick you up in four hours? I love you, Gray, " I say as we pull apart.

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