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Wow. So, the last couple of years have been awful. I'm a sophomore now, still living with my abusive father. He broke a chair today, threatened to smash it against my brothers face because my brother called him the n word.

I guess I should bring everything up to date. Last we checked in was after I got child services called on my father. He started getting better, but I guess it was for nothing. I am engaged now, I've been in 3 school productions, and I've discovered myself. My name is Quinn and I'm a transgender male. I was forced to come out by my school to my father. He was... not supportive. My mother was supportive. She lives 15 minutes away but we don't have the money to get me and my brother out. My brother goes to college this year. I'll be forced to stay with my dad... alone. I'll have to endure everything alone again. I can't move in with my fiance due to her home situation. I don't know what else to do. I can't run away, I'd have to leave my cats in that hell hole and I fucking can't do that. I cant leave them. And I already know it would cause more issues if I left.

I just want everything to fix itself but that won't happen. Nothing will get fixed because I'm just me and I can't do it alone but no one is able to help me without causing too much change. I can't... I just have to wait it out. I have 2 years until I leave. 2 more years and I'm out of this shithole.

Enough about my depressing life, how are you doing after the pandemic of 2020?

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