Chapter 23

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Y'all heard that the MisFits got a house? That's actually pretty cool. Anyone wanna start a group like them? I need friends tbh ;-;


"Finally you wake up" Mason yawned as he made his way over to where Cam and I were. He just waved us off and got some food.

"Oh shit Harper's here?" Mason whispered, trying to look good. I looked at Harper seeing she was still talking to Eric. Cam and I looked at each other, knowing what was happening.

Both were liking the same girl.

Mason went and sat down next to Harper, now both of them were flirting with her.

"Does this normally happen?" I asked Cam, he shook his head still looking at the three of them. What were we going to do?

"This is getting awkward, try separating them" Cam suggested, I nodded and went over to the three.

"Harper let's go for a walk!" I grabbed her arm, quickly making our way outside. I looked at Cam, waving at him then leaving.

"What was that about?" Harper asked.

"What was what about?" She looked at me then looked forward.

"Why were they acting all of a sudden so flirty? I've seen some of their videos but never in my life have I seen them like that" I chuckled, not knowing what to say.

"Well those two idiots like you, now it's your choice whether you want them or not just be careful on your choice" She sighed and nodded, glad I never had that problem before.

"If you had to choose one who would it be?" She stared at me for a moment but shook her head.

"I can't chose one, I mean they are sweet and everything but I don't want to hurt one" I nodded at what she was saying.

"I get it, but you're going to have to make that decision sooner or later" She nodded, let's just change the subject so she won't get worried.

"So what did you do with that ex friend?" I asked her.

"Eh she got her clothes and left, she asked for her phone but I said I didn't have it. But I guess it's for the best" Damn hopefully Harper's alright.

"What was her name?" I asked.


"Like Ariana Grande?" She laughed after I said that.

"Yeah except this Ariana is the evil version of the queen Ariana Grande" We laughed and talked about our past and how we became who we are today.

"You've known Mason ever since Junior year? That's pretty cool" I nodded.

"Yeah, he helped me when these guys were harassing me. We've been best friends ever since, he's a really nice dude"

"You know I went with Fitz at the same high school"

"No way" She nodded with a big smile.

"Yeah! But sadly he and I never talked, he was always with Toby and some other guys. I was the shy girl who didn't have the balls to talk to anyone. I mean it changed but I'm still shy here and there"

"Same, sometimes I get very shy or nervous many times but other than that I'm pretty outgoing"

"Is it weird that I classify you as my best friend already?"

"It's not weird, I classify you as my best friend too" She and I hugged and decided to go back to the hotel. We saw everyone in the couch, mostly on edibles.

"You guys started without us?" My voice caught their attention, they all looked high out of their minds.

"Yeah sorry mom" Mason said with a goofy grin. The rest of the night Harper and I stayed up with the guys so they wouldn't do anything harsh for themselves.

"You know we should have a MisFits house, not like Team 10 or anything like that" Eric suggested, that could be cool I guess.

"Yeah! We can do the podcast better with everyone in a room" Mason said, everyone was agreeing while Harper and I didn't say anything, mainly because we weren't really in the group.

"And our recordings can be at the same time, now Fitz doesn't have to be up at 3 am to record with us" Matt said.

"I would go to sleep at around 9 am, what a nightmare" Cam said which made me laugh, it sucks how he was the only one living in New Zealand since Toby and Jay already went to Australia.

"Everyone is over there in Australia while I'm over here alone in New Zealand. I'll probably move over there soon if we do the house thing" Exciting.

"Yeah, it'll be better when recording too" Mason said, glad they're doing something more easier for videos and the podcast.

"Y/N if you ever wanna join the group just tell us" Toby said, everyone begged me to join so I could be in the podcasts more and be officially a MisFits member.

"I'll think about it" They cheered, I'll probably join, I really like these guys.

"Harper you can join too if you want, I would love for you to become an official member of the MisFits" Eric told Harper, she nodded saying the same thing I did.

||2 weeks later||

"I'm gonna miss you" I was in the airport with Mason, saying my goodbyes to Harper and Cam. They were the only ones who lived here which sucked.

"Harper you better move to Australia dude!" She giggled and nodded, we talked about how she was going to move in to Australia soon, mainly because her family was over there and she was alone over here.

"I'll make sure to call you everyday until the day I move" We pinky promised it, it was childish but we didn't care.

"I hope I get to move in to Australia soon, I'll miss you though" Cam wrapped his arm around me, a sad expression was on his face.

"I'll miss you too, please move in soon" He nodded, giving me a quick kiss before Mason and I left to Australia again.

"We're going to be a bit busy with finding the right house and everything, but I think Eric found a house already" Mason explained as we boarded the plane.

"Hopefully they move to Australia soon, can't wait to surprise our fans with this" Mason added, I nodded.

"Alright 4 hours in this plane so I'm going to sleep, night Mason" I started getting comfortable which didn't work at all but I tried to make it work.

"Night Y/N"


I'm so traumatized dude, I just saw Mason's ballsack.. wish I didn't see that

Like and comment! I'll see you all in the next one my fellow cookies 🍪

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