:;Park Jimin/Kim Taehyung;:

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[[Your P.O.V]]


You, and your 3 other friends decided that this Friday night would be a perfect night to celebrate your annual year for sticking together.

You were all getting ready at one of your friend's house.

You weren't a fan of dresses that exposed a bit too much of your skin, so your friend suggested that you wear something that covers almost everything, except your shoulders.

She pulled out an f/c dress, and a matching pair of high heels.

You tried on the dress, then showed it to the girls and they were all wide-eyed.

"WOah, Y/N! That dress looks so good on you—never knew you were this curvy.", one of your friends say and they all agreed with what she said.

You blushed from the sudden compliment and then looked away, putting a strand of your hair behind your ear.

"Ah, look. She's getting shy~", they sang out and then walked over to your awkward figure, then hugged you.

You felt warm in their embrace. You were glad to be still friends with them.

After a few minutes, everyone finally finished getting ready.

You all left the house and began walking to the club.

It was a 20-minute walk at most, but it felt like 5 minutes since you guys were too busy conversing with each other.

You both entered the club—and already the raving lights were blinding you, and the loud music beating your eardrums.

You and your friends would lock arms with each other; so that you guys wouldn't lose each other in the club.

Then, you all approached a bar and your other friends ordered an alcoholic beverage whilst you just got water.

"Don't be a sissy, Y/N. Drink up.", one of your friends say and you really felt like hesitating cause of your drink choice.

"Fine...", you spoke out softly as you wanted to exchange your drink with an alcoholic beverage, as in 'soju'.

"Oh my gosh, look at those hunks of dudes over there.", one of them motioned with their finger, pointing at the group of guys across the bar.

You looked to where she was pointing, and you made eye contact with 2 boys.

One of them had an attracting aura that has just seduced for your attention, and the other also stole half of your attention.

They felt powerful, it even sends you a few chills down your spine.

"Should we go and talk to them?", one of your friends suggested—and immediately, you became interested in that suggestion... But, at the same time, you felt like it wouldn't be a good idea.

Wasn't this supposed to be an only girl's night out? No boys?, you thought.

You shook your head, and rid of that thought after being dragged by your friends with your drink in your hands.

"Hi boys~", you hear one of your friends say and you just greeted them with a small wave.

You looked at the two boys that were looking at you before and they had a smirking look, as they looked at you—or were they just looking at your body?

[BTS] 'The Mafia Bosses' Smut Series. ✔️ 18+Where stories live. Discover now