A play by the SCPs~

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SCP_8949 says- Hey 035 can you make a play but add everyone in it? Can I also be a part of the play?

035: Of course! To both!

8949: Yay!

035: yay, indeed ,my fair friend for I have a play chosen already!

Rose: what is it?

Dr. Bright: yes what is it?

035: A Christmas Carol!

Rose: Oooooo I love that play!

Dr. Bright: alright now we need to give everyone one their respective characters

Rose: 682 can be Scrooge

049: perfect fit! I shall be the nephew.

Rose: Ghost of the past!

8949: Ghost of the present!

079: I'm not too sure right now

A/N: Sorry this took so long I am having a huge writers block at the moment but yeah I'll continue this on and off but that's all I have for now bye bye!

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