Turned on

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Warning: Some sexual actions may be shown here. Not sex but if you guys feel uncomfortable with this, then don't read, thank you.

It was the same night but later and Astrid invited Hansen over to her place for a little bit. He's not gonna lie, he is a bit nervous. He didn't know what to expect. She pulled up to her apartment and they went up to her's. She opened the door and walked in with Hansen behind her.

"I'll get us some wine." She said as she walked into the kitchen while Hansen slowly closed the door behind him.
He blinked as he looked around and saw it had a great view of the city and three pieces of beautiful furniture in the living space, alone with a flat screen T.V and a giant, glowing chandelier.

"This place is... gorgeous.." He breathed out as he looked around some more.
"Thank you." She giggled from the kitchen with two wine glasses in her hand.
"It kind of reminds me of my place, except my place is a... total shithole..." He began as she smiled and poured the wine.
"This is awesome, how long--" He began but got interrupted by the sound of a large dog parking. He almost squealed and lost his footing,  almost having a heart attack.
"Ah! What the fuck is that?!" He yelled as he saw a large golden retriever sitting next to him.

"Oh, that's stormfly. My dog. She doesn't do to well with new faces." Astrid spoke calmly as Hansen looked back at her.
"What is he? A dog or a fucking horse?" He asked as he had his hands out infront of him

"Sit down!" Astrid shouted as Hansen was hovering over the couch but looked at her in confusion.
"Me or t-the dog?" He stammered.

"You. She doesn't like people standing. He feels threatened by it. He gets all... antsy." She shrugged as she walked over to the couch with the wine glasses, and Hansen sat down immedently, almost missing the couch in the process.
"I come in peace." He said to the dog as Astrid giggled and handed his a wine glass.

"Thank you." He smiled as he took it from her hands. He took a big gulp, burning the back of his throat. He winced and she turned on the music station on the T.V, that played smooth and calming music. She took a big sip too and turned her head towards him and he did the same towards her. He new she was gonna lean in for a kiss, but he didn't know if he was ready. He made a quick check list in his head. He tilted his head and she did the same.

Hansen looked up at her and then there lips slowly connected. Stormfly whined and layed down. He placed his hand on her shoulder and she placed her's on his chest.
Soon, she broke apart and looked at him.

"Wait..." she sighed. "I don't want to move to fast." She spoke as Hansen nodded, still in a daze from the kiss.
"Yeah, n-no problem..." He frantically nodded his head up and down.

"No, don't get me wrong, but once I trust a person... I can experiment and get pretty generous..." She smirked as she pressed her warm hand on Hansen's chest. He gulped and his eyes widened while he tensed up.

"Yeah... I-I love to e-experiment..." He whispered as Astrid smiled and slowly got up and strattled his lap as he backed up closer into the back of the couch.

He put his hands on her hips and she thrust her hips up and down slowly, still fully clothed, and she placed her head inbetween Hansen's collarbone and his face was smashed against her soft hair.
"C-can we..." He tried to speak as his face almost scrunched up in pain but he was really trying to hold back his excitement.
"Can we stop for t-two seconds?" He managed to get out as she smirked at him.
"No." She giggled and leaned down to connect lips with him. She was still  ontop of his and they both moaned through the kiss.

Without even noticing, Hansen moved his hands down from her waist, to her ass. He felt her kiss his neck and he squeezed his eyes shut amd felt some excitement in his pants. He tried to hold back by breathing rapidly. Hansen grunted as he and Astrid heard a doorbell ring.

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