"Better be, Gryffindor!"

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I glanced up at the woman who was introducing the fellow first years, I stood near my friends, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and the ever so famous Harry Potter. I met them as we were waiting to be escorted to Hogwarts. I didn't need to be out here, I was already in the school and I could have sat at a spare table. One of the professors insisted I mingle with the other students, I reluctantly agreed.

Though now, I do deeply feel it was a good decision. Hermione was very bright, and even though I had known her for only ten minutes I had knew she would be a loyal friend for a very long time despite if I may be sorted into a different house than her. I picture her in Ravenclaw.

Harry Potter, where do I begin? While he does stands with poor posture and his hair was ruffled in every single direction, I had to admit that he portrayed a strong sense of courage and humbleness. He ought to be a Gryffindor, due to his blood ties and his heart of gold.

Lastly, Ron Weasley, he seems interesting enough. He seems like the, 'ginger that everyone bullies.' Hermione had gotten annoyed several times in the ten minute conversation I had with them. Perhaps he'd be a Hufflepuff with his genuine though sly personality.

I forced my attention back from reviewing my friends personality as Madam McGonagall started to call names. They would sit on the chair as the sorting hat as the object whispered in there's and then loudly calling out:





It was one of those four. As I had began to zone out I heard, "Ronald Weasley!" Madam McGonagall called. I stirred my head and watched Ron. I winked at him, hoping he'd get the house he was hoping for. In response, his face unintentionally quickly turned almost as red as his hair. My face melted into a red too, we looked the other way with a sweet sense of awkwardness.

It didn't take the Sorting Hat a long time to decide which house Ron needed to be put in.

"Another Weasley? I know exactly where to put you," said the Sorting Hat loudly, "GRYFFINDOR." The Gryffindor table cheering proudly, as his brothers congratulated him. I was surprised, but I clapped nonetheless. Next was Hermione which I gave a kind smile too, she returned it.

After twenty-five seconds, the Sorting Hat chanted, "Gryffindor!" The Gryffindors cheered once again, everyone shaking her hand once she sat down next to Ron. She seemed proud, with such a bright mind I knew she would be successful as you can get for a witch.

Then, my name was called.

"Y/N Dumbledore!" The whispers started, surprised I was related to the headmaster. I was embarrassed to say the least. Ron and Hermione seemed surprised, I knew they'd ask about it once we saw each other again.

I could feel my legs turning to noodles as my stomach melted into oatmeal as I walked up the chair.

I sat down. I glanced at all the tables, their attention remained on me. With my Grandfather being in Gryffindor along with my deceased parents, I was sure that I would be a Gryffindor.

The Sorting Hat began to talk to me, loudly in my head. He began to tell me how I would fit nicely into each house with no problems.

"You'd be good in almost anything, though Gryffindor would suite you best. However you'd be an amazing Slytherin." I gulped, the Sorting Hat heard me. "What? Don't wanna be a Slytherin. You're very ambitious." I didn't think I was ambitious or even cunning enough to be a Slytherin. Anything but that.

Would that let me love you? [Ron Weasley x Reader x Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter]Where stories live. Discover now