Ornate Dagger

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The Cecil family tomb was in disrepair, broken down from centuries of mistreatment from vandals and overgrowth in the abandoned necropolis, this side of the Cecil family that Wynne Emrys Cecil was from, centered around Wales. However, this particular family mausoleum from the origin of the Cecil that he was entombed in, resided in an unknown location in England. However, even though Wynne was not of English descent but one of Chinese, Wynne was taken in by the Cecil family and forever known as a member.

In his death state, Wynne's body was placed on top of an adorned stone coffin, painted in what once was a royal green color detailed with white, was now chipped and discolored with age. However, unlike the other members resting in the same crypt Wynne's body was not free from his flesh, leaving nothing behind but clean bone and decay, his body was pale and flushed as if still breathing despite being in the family tomb resting in a stone enclosure long since the 16th century. The clothing he was dressed in was molded, decomposed and overall withered with age, leaving the once elegant clothing of the century, very much unwearable by what one would consider living.

Wynne's hair was still a glossy brown as if untouched by the decay and dust that rested in the whole crypt, however still at a somewhat unkempt length, grown from the original length now resting at the ends of his pale wrists when fully extended. The only other thing out of place beside the lack of the decay of his body was the oddly shaped ornate Chinese chicken bloodstone dagger protruding from his chest, just over his heart. The dagger itself was free from rust and still looked as if it was recently carved, cleaned fully except what seemed to be a bloodened fingerprint that seemed to be resting on the hilt of the blade. It was not fresh however not old either, the blood lost its rich red color and was replaced with a dull brown.

Wynne was not dead when he was placed in the tomb, no he was forever changed into an abomination created by a witch, not unlike the Mikaelsons, also known as The Originals. The quiet tomb was interrupted when a group of drunken teens stumbled upon the ruin, finding a way in through the broken walls and walked down the stairs covered in overgrowth. The group was loud and brash, voices and laughter echoing throughout making.

The teenagers were vandalizing the already ruined crypt, as they went deeper passing by many stone coffins, half of the group were throwing empty cans and beer bottles and the other group mainly female were looking for something to either drunkenly make-out on or sit upon. The leader of this group was pushed by another making him accidentally bump into Wynne's body spilling his open drink onto the stone.

"Oh! Cool, this has got to be worth some money!" was the slurring yet excited voice as the teen turned and saw Wynne body, however, not seeing the still form only the dagger. Looking to his friend that pushed him smirking and asked.

"You know how much this could be worth?" the other male asked before he reached to grab said dagger in his drunken daze.

"It's probably fake or like something" the one who gripped the dagger said as he yanked it out, the sound of the dagger being pulled from flesh was echoed throughout. Startling the boys as they had only then noticed the body, making the teen with the dagger, drop it and run off with his friend in a fright. However, with this startling discovery did not scare them enough to get their friends and leave, no, they went back to joking and drinking late into the night.

Wynne now free from the dagger was slowly gaining consciousness, his heart starting once again and now pumping blood throughout his body. This process took no more than thirty minutes, it took this length of time because being a similar creature to the Mikaelsons yet he was very different. Wynne was created as an experiment using Chinese Gu magic, having this done through a similar process, however, being as it was done through Gu magic, being brown magic. Wynne slowly opened his eyes wincing as both his hearing and eyesight being overly sensitive in misuse for such a long time whilst he was daggered.

Hissing in pain as a sharp squeal of laughter penetrated his eardrums, Wynne focused on the many heartbeats narrowing down one of his meals stray away from its group. As the brown-haired beauty slowly sat up feeling his joints popping from the caught air between joints, sitting up fully as he gently and quietly stepping onto the cold flooring, his ruined clothing slipping from his form as he stood up to his full height of a 174cm, stretching his back every so slightly before he quietly stalked toward his prey.

As Wynne stalked up behind his prey, the smaller female was staring at her phone texting a friend, the brunet quickly grabbed her with his right hand pinning her against his chest while his other hand covered her mouth to keep her from alerting the others. Wynne walked the female further away from the group as she struggled against him, even though it was useless. The taller male forcefully turned her head to look at his face, more importantly, his eyes and he started to compel her.

"You, my dear will stay quiet and still, not one word nor movement from you no matter what. Understand?" the soft baritone voice, rough with misuse cracking marginally as he compelled her, his eye dilating as he did so. His prey under his compulsion nodded with a dull, blank look on her face as Wynne slowly released his hold over her mouth, moving at such speed just in case his compulsion was weak from being daggered for such a long amount of time.

When she made no move to scream, Wynne used his vampiric speed to quickly and roughly pin her to a stone wall. His fangs elongating as he bit into the side of her jugular, making no attempt to be gentle. Feeling his prey stiffen in his arms as his fangs roughly pierced and tore into her flesh, Wynne started to drink from her veins. His meal slowly started to become sluggish and her heart started to slow along with her breath as he drained her completely of blood. When he finished drinking her body was limp in her arms, her skin deathly pale as he gently laid her up against the wall, he had pinned her too. Wynne soon turned to the other teens now that he was more or else close to full strength.

 Wynne soon turned to the other teens now that he was more or else close to full strength

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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