Chapter 1

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     First day of high school.

Hopefully this day turns out fine.
As I enter the school reading my book a guy bumps into me and drops my book.


"Oh im sorry...uh?" He says.

"'s fine don't worry about it"
I say as I pick up my book.

"I'm Tony, see you around Olivia...Oh and again sorry about pushing you" He says meanwhile he's walking away. I watch him leave when I see a girl just staring at me with disgust.

Well shit.

"Who are you to mess with my man!" She tells me.

"What a-are you talking about?" I stutter.

" I know what your trying to do your trying to take Tony away from me!" She takes a step closer, " Hey nerd he will never lay eyes on yo-"

"OKAY okay I don't know who the hell that dude is we just bumped into eachother so...uhm stop getting things in your little head" I put a finger on my temple, " You better stay calm you don't want to get stressed out on a 'nerd' like me" I push past her and look for my science class.

I look for a seat in the back of the class, when I spot the perfect spot next to the window. I open up my book and begin to read. A minute later the class starts filling up. A familiar face enters the classroom. Tony? We both lock eyes for a few seconds. He starts walking over to me.

What could he want?

"Hey" he says.

"Erm hey" I say looking down at my book.

"I heard you and Sandra arguing" he says, I look up I see him smiling.

"Okay..." I say, he takes a seat in the chair next to mine. Wait why is he smiling at me?

"No one ever stood up to her before you got some guts" he starts laughing.
I stay silent and look away...when class begins I see from the corner of my eye writing on a piece of paper and puts it on my desk.

"Your not a nerd right?" It reads.

"No, why would you think that?"I write down.

"Ah I see you answer a question with a question" he smiles at me as he passes the note to me.

I role my eyes at him and pass the note back to him

"So your not going to answer huh?"

"Yeah" I pass the note back.

Before we know it class is over. "It was nice talking to you" He says before I leave.

"We didn't even talk" I say and leave the room.

Finally the last class of the day! I am going to hate this class, so called Sandra is in this class so is Tony, he sits next to me and she sits next to him. She seems to try to get his attention the entire class and succeded

"Hey Sandra will you stop" He says to her.

"Well I see you have your eyes on the NERD instead of me, just look at me Tony I am better looking then her!"

"But has a terrible personality"  I write on a paper and give it to Tony.

"True" he writes back..he gives the paper back to me.

"No offense" I write down.

"What do you mean?" He writes

"I mean well aren't you two a thing?"

"Nope, never"

"Why not? You two would make a great couple I mean"

"Haha, WRONG she is the worst of the worst she may be good looking but she can be annoying"

"Oh I see"

The day ends. I walk out of class a hand grabs my arm. Huh?

"What did I tell you?" Sandra says. I look her in the eyes.

"You got pretty eyes" I say and get away from her grip. "Now bye"

On my way out I hear her call out to me names like "Nerd" "Ugly" and "Weirdo"

(Hey guys this is my second story I guess this one will be a bit better...well at least I hope. I hope you guys enjoy this story...and just so you guys know I am trying my best here so dont judge aha)

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