My Waterkin Present

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Body of Water- Ocean Basin
Type of Water- Salt Water
Most Like- Gulf of Mexico
Waves- Medium

Although I don't feel as if I'm physically water, it's more of a spiritual feeling within in my current life. Ever since swimming in the Gulf of Mexico one summer, I felt as if I felt how the water felt. As if I could communicate with it. I just sat with my feet in the water and closed my eyes and I sat there for about an hour.
I also had the experience in that same summer in the Gulf I stood in deeper water and pet the water, feeling as my heart beat sync with the waves.
I've kept many sand grains, rocks, and stones from that beach. And I do bring the sand around and rub it in between my fingers when stressed and it helps me calm down. And with the stones and rock, I feel as if it brings a soothing atmosphere to my room and keep it in my pocket whenever going somewhere knew to make me less anxious.
Now, I am on my local swim team. And whenever I'm in a race, I don't feel as if I'm racing intensely, but I am rather letting the water guide me to victory. And at practice whenever I finish a set, I spend my time underwater, relaxing.
And finally I find myself being able to hold my breath longer than anyone else on my swim team and am able to swim a 50 without taking a breath. I do this whenever possible for it makes me fill fulfilled!

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