Desperate Mesures: Marianas Trench Fan Fic ^_^

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KK So this is my first story (I actually uploaded :3) so enjoy. Comment what you think.


She was lonely in the bed. But the feeling wasn't new. She never saw him. Especially during the summer, with more tour dates than stars in the sky. She missed him with every ounce of her soul.The blue hair, the intense sense of humour, the Coke Zero, the nights they spent bonding over insomnia. Talking about anything that crossed their minds.

But it wasn't just his fault. She would sometimes be busy at work. Or she would go out with her friends. Even not being able to get tickets to fly to where ever he was touring. What was stoping her? Jealousy. She was his and there he was with Darla Taylor making out for all his videos. Didn't he know how she felt? He had promised it was nothing but how could be sure if he was sending her a message from Toronto while she was in Vancouver?

She sighed. Complaining wouldn't bring him back.At this moment nothing would. He was probably preforming in front of a bunch of screaming girls all singing along to his angelic voice. At least he would be home tomorrow for sure. That's what he had said before he left. Sleep didn't coming to her easily after that.

The next day when she woke heard some wall bumping and some voices in the hallway. She got up sleepy and went to check through the peep hole to see what was causing such a noise so early in the morning.

She got hit in the nose with the door. Someone had just opened it.

'"Josh" a huge grin spread on her face.

"Ah so you do remember me" he joked with her, "Sorry about that"

They shared a long embrace. That was until he rest of the guys came in.

"What are we invisible?" It was Ian. They could tell he was just joking around.

A smile formed on her lips. " Yeah come in"

She realized she was still in her PJ's. She quickly ran into the washroom and was in the process of changing into some proper clothes before there was a light knock on the door.

"It's me" she went and opened it revealing Josh. Instantly a sensation burst through out her body as Josh started to kiss her. His arms pulling her closer and her arms around his neck tangling her fingers in his black and blue hair. Then Matt walked by.

"Heard of locking the door?" they just realized the door was wide open

"Kiss me just once for luck, these are desperate measures" he sang into her ear.The voice that could make a man at the brink of death smile. Smiles came easily around Josh.


Desperate Mesures: Marianas Trench Fan Fic ^_^Where stories live. Discover now