Chapter One

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Quickly and quietly Conan tossed on his galaxy hoodie and adjusted the strings. He slid on his black converses and fixed his messy blonde locks and pushed up his circular glasses with their golden rim. He looked at the clock. 4:18 pm.
"Great." He smiled, walking out of his room and went straight to the front door. Keys in hand, he twisted the knob and opened the door, walking out of his house and pretty much slammed the door. He locked it, starting to walk in the general direction of the park.
The sun was still out, Conan was thankful for that, but it was pretty cold for good old California. The place wasn't exactly going to shit anymore so he was fine.

He quickened up his pace, now jogging to the park. Please don't let my table be taken! He begged, skidding to a halt at the sight of the park.
The trees were showing the signs of autumn and the grass was showing how little it rained. Sounds like California to me.
Conan walked on the concrete path to his favorite table, which he actually put his name on, to see that people were already sitting there.
Two boys with brown hair, and three other boys with blonde and black hair.
They all looked up at Conan, who shoved his hands in his pockets and simply said.
"Hey uh, that's my bench." Pointing to the words carved into it saying 'this table to owned by Conan gin, fuck off its mine!!'

The boys laughed, and the one closest and on the right of Conan asked.
"This table doesn't belong to some gay loser."
Conan stared at him, jaw slightly dropped with shock.
"C'mon boys, lets deal with this queer." They all stood up, agreeing by cracking their knuckles and smirking.
Conan stumbled back, letting out a small whimper.
One brown haired boy punched him in the face, making Conan trip over nothing and fall.
Another boy grabbed him by his hoodie, gravity being on the boys' side and started to choke him.
Conan struggled to get up, the boys now kicking and beating him.

A foot to the side. A punch to the cheek. Being choked by a hoodie. Being a weak loser helping the kids.
A kid told him to get up, calling him a 'gay cunt.' Conan, not wanting to get beat more, tried to get up, but his arms and legs gave out and the kid grabbed his hood roughly and pulled him up. He then proceeded to throw Conan back down and give him a dead-leg.
Conan gasped, even more pain shooting through his body.
"aaA- FUCKK!" Conan cried, trying to get away.
They laughed, mocking his high pitched scream.

After the kids where satisfied, they ran off, laughing their asses off while leaving a sobbing, beaten Conan laying on the ground.
Conan grabbed at the bench table, grabbing it. He pulled himself up, heaving and panting as he tried to walk. Each step was painful, so godly painful, but he had to bare it.

He had to get home.
He rubbed his sleeve across his face, getting a fuck ton of blood on his jacket.

A stranger with ginger hair and a leather jacket, along with black skinny jeans and a beanie walked by, gasping at the sight of Conan.
"O-oh fuck man! Uhh uhh, do you need help?" The boy asked, worried as hell about this stranger.
Conan nodded, placing his hand on his leg because he couldn't feel it.
He put his arm around the guy, and the guy did the same so Conan could be balanced.
Fuck everything hurts. E v e r y t h i n g   b u r n s. He thought, gripping his leg tightly as he limped with the stranger's help.

They stayed like this the whole way to Conan's house, the strangers starting up a conversation half way there.
"What's your name?" The ginger asked.
"Cc-Conan..." Conan said weakly, rubbing the tears and blood off his face with his sleeve.
"Im Manny. Manny Macc." Manny smiled at him.
"C-cool. Thhis is m-my stop, Manny... Thanks, f-for helping." He let go of Manny, and Manny let go of him, though he was hesitant.
"You're welcome Conan, I hope you get better." Manny smiled, quietly helping Conan to his door.

"Th-thanks man. W-well, g-good aafternoon then." Conan, pulled out his keys, opening the door.
Manny backed away, waving a farewell. Conan did the same, limping into his house.

He gently shut the door behind him, heading into the bathroom.
"awhhh fuuckkk.." He frowned, looking at himself.
His jacket? Torn.
His nose? Bloody and probably broken.
His eye? The right one was black, purple, and a gross yellow.
His neck? It had a red mark that was a bit purple from being choked.
Everything else? Hurt like hell.
Conan took off his clothes, throwing them all on the floor without a care in the world.
He stared at himself.
Everything was bruised and hurt. His chest was bruised like hell, and he had an ugly bruise on the left side.
His legs were bruised and red, his dead-leg was the one that looked the worse.

It was bruised so bad, and it had a few cuts on it.

"uhghhhh. t-this is ggonna hurt.." He groaned, turning on the shower. It sputtered before getting into action.
He started to get in, hissing at the pain.

  ((I hope you liked it! If you want to see like, Manny Macc's POV then leave a comment!))

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