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Rain: OK another question

Jeff: from-

Red: Snow~ <3

Rain: No DolphinRidingBears...

Sally: Why Bears

Rain & Jeff: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Rain: Idk.. He said Jeff: Kill someone with a sleeping pill.. I think that's right?

Jeff: who.. kill him

Silver: Yes Jeff .-.

Jeff: Oh.. OK!

Rain: ... Jeff.. he was joking

Jeff: We.. I have a spy from TF2...

Rain: OK well get to work

Jeff: KMay! *walks down into basement*

Rain: aright...

Sally: Why can't we show them Jeff kill people

Rain: well we don't wanna end up in area 51 do we.. no we dont! no we don't ^-^

Red: smooooooth

Rain: hey! your the one that like frozen

Red: it's a good movie ;-;


Red: Frozen

BEN: Mlp

Rain: The notebook! now shapt!

E.J: I made kidneys!

Everyone: Yum...??

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