Part 45

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5 years have passed and everything is going great! You and Niall have been married for 5 years and today was your anniversary. 

Niall: Hey babe, where are you?
You: Upstairs! Getting ready!

Today was a special day since it was your anniversary.

Annabelle: Mommy?! You look bewwwwtiifull!
Jonah: Yeah mum, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!!
You: Aw loves, thank you! Now Harry will be here soon to babysit!

Harry agreed to babysit the kids today because he knew it was an important day.

Jonah: YAY UNCO HARRY! I wuv Unco Harry!
Annabelle: Mee too!

Even though Harry wasn't there actual uncle, he was very much like one.

You: Haha alright kids, be good and remember to go to sleep early! Don't make Harry chase you around the house okay?

You walked downstairs with the kids running after you. Niall was standing there waiting for you and he looked even younger than ever, just like when he was 18.

Niall:, you look beautiful!
Jonah: I know Daddy! Isn't she the most beautiful girl ever?!
Annabelle: What about me Jonah?!
Jonah: Umm..sure!

You guys all laughed out loud.

Niall: Yes, your mum is beautiful and she always will be :)

You blushed a little more than you already were. Someone rang the doorbell and you knew it was Harry. You are so grateful that he was your best friend. He stopped cutting about 3 years ago. He kept cutting for a while. He finally let out why he did and it made me tear up. How much he actually loved me but hid it was just so painful. But now he finally met someone he loved even more than he loved me and he finally stopped.

You: Hazza! Thank you so much for watching the kids for me! I'm so glad that you could watch the kids! 
Harry: Of course! So kids what do you wanna do today?
Harry: Haha alright, meet you in the backyard! You two lovebirds have fun, k?
Niall: Thanks mate! Catch you later.
You: Bye!
Harry: Byeeeeee!

You headed off into Niall's car hand in hand. He said today he wanted to do something like a picnic and then watch the stars for the rest of the night.

Niall: Okay so I have the picnic basket in the trunk, so glad we have been together for 5 years!
You: I know! Quite long 5 years!
Niall: And hopefully MANY more. 

You guys laughed and told jokes and memories in the car and you finally have reached your destination. You went to the beach. You guys settled in the sand taking out the food. I could already tell Niall was hungry, he was literally about to dive in.

You: Nuh uh, we need to say grace.
Niall: Oh alright...
You: Dear Lord, thank you for this wonderful day, and for this beautiful 5 years of marriage. We are so lucky and grateful to be together and thank you for allowing us to have this great food to eat. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Niall dug right into the food. You guys fed each other, laughed, kissed, and cuddled. 

It was dessert time and you had the classic chocolate covered strawberries. You spent the time feeding each other. 

Niall: May I just say, you are the most beautiful girl in the world. You're the only girl I see, other than Annabelle cause she's my little princess.
You: And you're the only man I see, again other than Jonah, he's my little man.
Niall: Haha, I just can't believe 5 years have passed. It felt like just yesterday we were married and had the babies. 
You: I know, and I'm grateful that you are the father of my children. 
Niall: I'm going to miss all of this.
You: What do you mean?
Niall: I mean when we grow old, the kids are going to move on and get married like us. It's going to be so sad to my stomach to see that happen.
You: Yeah but I mean everyone grows up and moves onto their own us.
Niall: Yeah..I guess.

You both laid down with your head on Niall's chest.

You: I think that there's a big future ahead of us.
Niall: What do you mean?
You: Like..I can just imagine our future being just perfect. Like we'll be together..forever.
Niall: That's cause we will be.
You: Forever.

YUP THAT'S IT! The end of my Niall #Imagine! I'm quite sad to end it though!

I'd like to thank all the people who have read it and gave feedback, you really do make me happy when you do that!

I'd also like to thank all the compliments on this, it makes me even more eager to write more, but I think I'm going to have to end it! 

Yes I will be doing personal imagines! :) 

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