"You dreaming about me, angel?"

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I laid in a new bed, one I was not familiar with. I tried to sleep but I found no luck, I tossed and turned feeling as though I was missing something.

My first thought was Logan. But that thought was wrong, I wanted someone else. But I didn't know who. Finally the sleep started to consume me, my eye lids became heavy and then everything went black.

I woke up but new I was still dreaming. I was back at the cave again, with that beast that remarked me. How did he do it, I didn't tell him he could. Or did I, i was in such a state of pain I do not remember.

I sat crossed legged in-front of the cave once more. All I seen was the darkness, then the beast jumped out at me pushing me to the ground.

I struggled to get up from under his hold, but he would not move. Eventually I gave up as the beast continued to stare at me.

Bu then I seen a glow in the cave, and what followed was the pure white wolf. It ran down the mountain and the beast chased after it.

Then I felt the tingles and sparks all over my skin. I looked in front of me again and watched as time slowed down. There was a gorgeous man sitting in front of me, he had blond wavy hair and bright green eyes.

I watched paralyzed as the man leaned in close to me. My breath hitched as inch by inch he slowly came closer to my face, his soft plump blushed coloured lips connected with mine.

A fire started inside me, as our lips started to move in sink. I throw my arms around my neck and pulled on his hair as the kiss deepened. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me incredibly close to him.

He pulled away and stared trailing hot wet kisses down my neck. He stopped at me mark and stared sucking and licking it.

That drove me insane as I let out a breathless moan "Theo" I said breathlessly. He growled then brought his lips back up to mine.

I sprung awake from my dream automatically bringing my hand up to my mark. I sat there panting in confusion and looking around.

I was still in the same bed at the house they sent me to. More like mansion.

After everything that happened with the wolf, he went back into his cave. The white wolf that I had totally forgotten about brought me up another path that lead to a huge mansion.

It showed me all the way to a very large and dark room. The room had a king sized bed in the middle of it, it was filled with dark grey and black silk sheets and pillows.

The was a huge glass door on the opposite side of the door we had come in.  And two other doors on the opposite side of the bed.

I could no longer sleep so I wrapped a blanket around me and went out to what I assumed was the balcony.

I pushed open the glass door and was hit with a cold breeze, I shivered and made my way outside. The balcony was round, on it was a large outdoor sofa.

I walked over to the sofa and sat down, I looked up and gasped at the beautiful constellation above. I sat back up and walked over to the edge of the balcony.

From there I seen glowing in the sky, I looked back up to see the northern lights dancing around in the sky above me. They turned this dark night a lot brighter.

I became lost in there beauty, until I got the feeling something was watching me. I pulled my eyes away from the sky and looked around at the dark world below. It was a far down drop off of the balcony, it went all the way down the mountain and into the forest.

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