Chapter 2

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I was jerked awake when I felt the plane make a rough landing. I cursed under my breath as I felt my neck starting to ache. Massaging my neck, I glance to the sit next to mine and Boss was stretching out while giving out a small yawn. He straightens up and looks up at me with drowsy eyes. I softly sigh and said, "yeah I agree with you there."

I walked off the plane's exit and through the crowd of passengers to the baggage area. Grabbing my luggage, I breathed out a sigh of anticipation when my eyes wandered to the large sign above me. In big bold letters said, "Welcome To Lovington, Texas."

I drag my luggage to the seating area and took a seat near the large glass window. Laying down my stuff and placing Boss on the seat next to mine. I began digging out my phone from my coat pocket. Unlocking my screen, I look through my contacts and pressed on the first name I saw on my call history. Holding the phone against my ear I could hear the ringing of the busy line for a few seconds until the ringing came to a complete stop and was replaced by a strong deep voice.

"Hello?" A soft smile, for once not forced, pleasantly peeks upon my lips.

"Ah . . . Hey, Seunghyun" I said.

"Youngbae! Hey man, I just got to the airport. Damn, I knew I should of got here more earlier. There's hardly any empty parking space. You wouldn't believe how full the parking lot is. It's freaking packed."

Through the phone, I could hear honking and Seunghyun swearing. "Same to you! And that's not very ladylike!"

I try to hold back a laugh until I hear a relief groan. "Finally, a freaking car space. Anyways, I'll see you inside."

"Alright, see you then. Bye." Hanging up, I scan the area around me seeing people reuniting with their loved ones. I slightly cringe when I saw some couples kissing and hugging each other. I turn my attention to my lap where I tightly balled my fist trying to suppress this heavy dull feeling weighting down in my chest.

Dragging out a tired sigh, I pull out my earbuds deciding to listen to some music to distract my thoughts in the meantime. I scroll down my phones playlist and selected a song. I lean back in the seat comfortably as I let the song drown my brain in its lyrics. When the song was about to hit another high chorus I hear a slight mocking whisper in my ear.

"You honestly think, you can escape it that easily?"

I sit up startled as I looked around my surroundings. Until my eyes caught sight of piercing dark brown eyes, which stared right back at mine with this mysterious intense glare. He was leaning his shoulder against the vending machine with hands inside his pockets and had his left foot cross over the other. He wore a black button down dress shirt, dark blue cinch jeans, and cowboy boots that have seen better days with a black Stetson cowboy hat that shadowed half of his face.

I felt my heart accelerate in pure fear along with my throat going dry, but I remained frozen in my spot. His eyes met mine when the end of the songs lyrics caught my attention. "Something wicked this way comes . . ." The corner of his lips curl up into a malevolent smile.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt a hand grasp onto my shoulder. I quickly turn coming face to face with Seunghyun who had raised hands "Whoa there buddy, it's just me." I take off my earbuds as I let out a shaky breath while lightly rubbing my temple. When my heart finally calmed down, I glance back to the spot where I last saw the man and was relieved he was no longer there.

Seunghyun follows my gaze and raised his brow, "Youngbae everything ok?"

I wagged my head, "i-it's nothing." Standing up, "anyways it's really good to see you Hyung."

A smile quickly brightens up his face as he brings me into a tight hug. "Man, you don't know how much I missed you."

After getting over the sudden embrace. I rest my head against his shoulder and replied,"I missed you too," returning the hug.

"Well, we better get going it seems like Boss here is getting really impatient for being in that cage too long." Boss let's out a few excited barks with a non-stop tail wagging. Shaking his head while chuckling, "Boy! with that attitude I pray that your new playmate can handle your energy." He said while taking my luggage and pet carrier. I pick up my duffel bag and follow behind him.

As we left the seating area I still had that unsettling feeling of being watched. I look over my right shoulder, but didn't see the mysterious cowboy. Even though I wasn't looking back anymore I still felt his lingering eyes burning holes on the back of my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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