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Namjoon was shocked to say the least. The guy he sent all his time, money and feelings on was not even the person he thought he was in the first place. He was someone else but the best part was he wasn't Jungkook otherwise a lot of things could have possibly gone wrong.

"I am sorry Tae. Mr.Jeon asked me to do this. I am so so sorry."
Jin cried which finally brought back Joon from his dreamland.

"And what will forgiving you do hyung, huh!? My baby is still there while you were having a fucking trip through the country!"

"Taehyung behave! He is elder to you."

Taehyung scoffed.

"No it is fine Namjoon, I deserve it but I am not sorry. My mother has cancer and Jeon said he would pay for all her bills if I follow his orders. I feel sad for Kookie but eomma is the only family I have- sorry...please forgive me." Jin fell on his knees as he bawled his eyes out.

Listening to his excuse the brothers were stunned and guilty- both of them feeling bad for saying shit respectively to Jin.  As Jin continued to cry, Joon quickly went near him while Tae went to get some water. Once he calmed down he told everything about himself to them.

"I know she won't survive it. Hell she doesn't even remember me anymore because of the tumor but still I wanted to save her. I am so stupid! I sacrificed Kookie for eomma."

"Hey hey hey! hyung calm down. You aren't stupid. Family is important especially if it's your parents. Just don't cry. We will find a way."

"But I let him go Tae. I let him be there....."

"But then why didn't you let me talk to Tae all this time??" Joon interjected.

"Jeon told me that someone wants to kidnap Kookie and as his body guard I should take his place. He promised that he will take care of my mom and I accepted. The first night I thought you would kill me but when you started talking about Taehyung, I knew what was happening but I was scared that if I said something, Jeon wouldn't help my mother so I kept quiet. But then things changed and stuff happened between us and-"

"Woah wait! What happened between you two?" Tae asked.

"Nothing Tae. Nothing happened." his brother replied failing to look him in the eye.

"Hyung stop lying. Jin hyung what happened? Tell me you two."

"Nothing happened-"

"We kissed." Jin said, still in tears.

"You two kissed. Oh my god! So you are saying that my clumsy af of a brother just straight away kissed a boy completely out of his league in a matter of three days....Wow!" Tae said sarcastically and Jin couldn't help but laugh a little. Namjoon was flustered and tried to defend himself.

"I kissed him twice. Huh, and he kissed me first not the other way around. So it proves who wanted to kiss who. I just-"

"So you are saying that you kissed Jin hyung who you thought was my Kookie...TWICE! How could you hyung?"

"Sorry Tae it isn't his fault I did this."

"But he kissed my kookie!"

"I didn't kiss him!"

"Listen! Sorry Tae that he kissed me but it was only because I initiated it. Jungkook would never do this."

"I know I was just messing around."

Suddenly someone barged into the already open house.

"Taeshit! Where- oh you are here. Pack your stuff fast and get your passport and shit."

"But why Yoongles?"

"Cause we are going shopping... Loser you are going to New York with Jungkook tonight and then you will leave for Canada via train. But first we need to get your ass out of Seoul so chop chop."

Tae was pushed towards his room while Namjin remain confused.

"What is happening?"

"I saw this coming. See you got the wrong guy, Jeon threatened my baby for tickets and baam! we know that Kook is still there. So I played a fake travel agent and got all five of us tickets with Jeon's money. That old dickweed has no idea that the money he paid is for two New York tickets, three Japan tickets and Taekook's trainfare."

"You are-" both the hyungs were stunned.

"Genius! I know." Yoongi smirked.

"Yeah you are."

"Hyung I am ready. But why didn't you call me?" Tae came with his bag.

"Cause Jeon got our phone tracked but whatever. Listen we will go to Busan first via flight. We stay at the airport until Jimin and Jungkook come there. Then we separate and go our ways. Got it?"

Tae nodded his head but "What about hyungs? Jeon will come for them."

"He won't cause Namjoon hasn't done anything wrong against Jeon. I mean his guard came willingly. Am I right?" Yoongi asked teasingly and Jin just blushed and nodded.

"Well then get your ass out fast."

Yoongi went to start his car while Tae and Namjoon said there goodbyes

"Bye baby! Take care of yourselves and call me once you get there." Namjoon then kissed Tae on his forehead.

"Bye hyung take care of yourselves too! And seriously Jin hyung is amazing so don't let him go. Plus you need someone you are getting old anyways."

"You brat!"

"Love you too hyung."

After the farewell Namjoon returned to his house to find Jin getting ready to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know. Somewhere away I guess."

"But why? You don't have to."

"I am disgusting, remember. I should leave."

"Jin wait!"


"Cause I-"

"Cause you what Namjoon? Is there still something left to say after last night."

"Jin you know I didn't mean it for you. You being Jungkook was shitty and-"


"And now that I know the truth...please don't go!"

"And why exactly should I stay?"

Namjoon huffed finally gaining the strength to say the truth.

"You should stay cause I like you okay. You are too lovely for your own good and God! Tae is right about you being out of my league but still you fell for me first and I was too scared cause you were Jungkook but now you are not but I love you irrespective of it. You are cute, handsome, caring, beautiful, you drive well, you look like an angel when you sleep, you wash clothes brilliantly and even though I hate seafood cause I love sea creatures it is fine when you eat them-"

Before Joon could keep ranting on Jin kissed him. This time Namjoon held him tight......tight enough to never let him go.

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