the cronicles: ch 2

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Heres chapter two

WARNING: If you don't like blood skip this chapter

Please Vote, Coment, Fan and if you have any ideas fell fee to tell me ^v^

2.A Lost Heart

Cihiro woke up the next morning because the sun was burning her pale skin, but she didn't care. The events of the previous day flooded back. Cihiro began to shake violently, tears rolled down her face and she screamed. The pain of losing every thing, he pain of seeing the people who raised her

killed before her very eyes. She forced herself to rise from the ground ignoring her body's

begs for her stay there. She began to walk to not caring where she going. Cihiro stopped to rest and herd sounds

coming from the forest that surrounded her suddenly the smell of fish filled the air. She got up from wear she was sitting

and followed the smell walking strait thru a torn bush stopped when saw she fire light flickering a short ways ahead. Cihiro began to feel some thing warm go

down her legs, she looked down and saw blood coming out of the wounds on her legs, she ignored it and walked slowly until she could hear what they

sounded like the first mystery person sounded like a guy "Tat was too easy that family was a peace of cake." "But didn't the girl get away." said an emotionless

female voice. "Ya but you should have taken care of her before, so it's both our faults" said the male voice "Ok" said the female. Cihiro moved closer to see the

people. The man had purple hair, and a mustache. The woman had short grey hair and had green eyes. She then noticed the sword she saw had killed her

father, and same type of arrows that killed her mother. Rage filled her she walked very quietly and began to sneak around the strangers camp and picked

up the sword it was really heavy. She lifted the sword but it fell whit a loud thud.

The two strangers quickly got up and looked in Cihiro's direction they began to walk towards her the man whit the mustache said in deep voice "Ok kid drop

the sword and we wont hurt you." he stretched out his hand for her to give him the sword then Cihiro realized her hair was in her face she gave them an

an evil smile and her hair moved away from her right eye, her eyes seemed to be glowing, she looked like an evil monster. Cihiro lifted up sword and said in an evil voice

"You were saying the child of the family you slaughtered ran into the woods, and you haven't found her yet." she ran

and stabbed the man the sword went strait thru his stomach Cihiro continued what she was saying "Well look

no further she's right her and she's gunna kill you." She moved the sword ,that was still in the mans stomach, in the

direction of the woman the sword ripped strait thru the man and went quickly in the woman's direction. The grey haired

dogged the blow and kicked Cihiro in the face. Cihiro wiped the blood from her face, she was getting mad. Cihiro's hair began to rise and

power flowed thru her and she said "Lau'un A verna." the grey haired woman began to shake violently her body began to turn into hundreds

of snakes and the snakes began to crumble into dust. Cihiro fell on the ground and said "I murdered two people in cold blood, and the weird

part is I liked it." Cihiro then proceeded to go to sleep in the blood of man she murdered. In the morning Cihiro got up from the ground

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