Taking Care of Styles

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Authors note: hey my little reading bots, I've missed you! Sooooooo sorry I havent updated in a while, but I've been so forgetful! Seriously, I will crack down on myself and write more! Okay enjoy! Oh and sorry the chapters are so short, I just want to get them up!

Chapter 3:

~~~~~Harry's PO.V.~~~~~~~~

"She's staying?"

"Yay! When's she coming?"

"Thats awesome!"

"where will she sleep?"

Questions and exclamations flooded out of my bandmates mouths as I talked to them over Skype about Lana going on tour with us. The boys have been acting extra cheery and nice since my parents died, and I sorta wished they would drop the act and just let me talk about it. It will be good for Lana though.

Chapter thee to be continued.

Authors note: sorry guys I had to cut it so so so short, I'm going somewhere, like, NOW and I won't have Internet all weekend! Sorry little bots, love you!



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