Chapter 1- The Move

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"I'm going to get a big fat F on my bio test today, I didn't study one bit yesterday night!" Shelby complained to me.

This is the first year of high school for us, we've waited forever to become freshmans because we thought it would be the best thing ever...Nope! Shelby's been my best friend since the 1st grade and we've been inseparable since.

"Don't worry me too. I mean I studied but..yunno i have short term memory loss." I joked

Oh by the way I should probably introduce myself, I'm Kyra. I have long straight brown hair and bright blue eyes. I'm probably just your typical white girl. All I wear is expensive designer clothes, drink a whole lot of Starbucks, and all the stuff your typical white girl does.  (Thats me Above) I said goodbye to Shelby as she walked into her first class then I walked to mine.

I finished off the day and then went to my locker and gathered my stuff, then went to go meet up with Shelby. Me and shelby walk home together everyday after school but we always stop at starbucks on our way home, to get our daily Pink Drinks. We turned the corner of my block and we said goodbye and that we'd see each other tomorrow at school, but when i entered my house that wasn't going to happen.

"DAD?!" I yelled. I walked into the living room and saw everything in boxes.

"I know exactly what your going to ask." My dad said

"What the hell is going on, why is everything in boxes?!" Usually I don't use that language around my dad but he knows im angry and he knows i have every right to be.

"I got a new job..."

"Um, and where is this new job?"


I just stood there with my mouth hanging open wide, I could not believe what I was hearing.

"Y-y-your kidding me right." i stuttered. We live in Wisconsin, this has been my home since I was born.

"Sorry sweetie, but I got us a really nice house there too and this job pays twice as much as im making right now!" my dad started going on and on about this.

"Okay dad I understand, I mean I guess I could use a fresh start but at least let me go say bye to Shelby.." He nodded at me and I walked out the door and headed towards shelby's house.

"YOU'RE WHATTT?" Shelby screamed

"Im moving Virginia" I said almost starting to cry

"Kyra...Im going to miss you so much" Shelby hugged me and we both started balling our eyes out.

"So I guess this is a goodbye, forever." she said stilling crying

"No way, not forever i'm definitely going to come back and visit you. We can call and facetime every night too."

"I guess so, I'm still really gunna miss you tho."

I left shelby's house my eyes all puffy and headed back to our house to only see the moving truck already all loaded up and my dad in the car. I walked to the car and got in the front seat. My dad handed my a box all wrapped up all fancy.

"I know you would be super mad at me for doing this, so I got you a little something."

I unwrapped box, my dad had gotten me the newest Iphone X.

"Dad, thank you so much!!" I hugged him and we drove off.

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