Stage One

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Step one; The Rendezvous.
There are many ways you might cross paths with this person you are to be infatuated for at least the next week or two. You might be walking down a road, a path in a park, the lane to your house or even just down the corridor of a school, university or workplace. It's a normal day. Nothing special or out of the ordinary has happened. Just walking and walking. Alone or with friends. Maybe with a pile of books in your hand or a coffee to boost up your energy for the day. And suddenly. You see them. Walking or standing in front of your eyes.

Step 2; The Gaze.
You're awe struck. You inhale long. Time slows down. But your heart beat doesn't. It races and races and starts to beat like you're going into a cardiac arrest. Your body losses it's control. It's as if your soul floats in the body vessel. Your lips part and eyes bulge out. If not, then at least your pupils dilate like never before and you can feel these changes in your body. Every single one of them. But you're too distracted. It's as if that person's existence has instantly become a vital part for your existence. You examine and admire them from afar. Some people start from the bottom, but more generally it's from the top. You start with the hair, styled perfectly. So perfectly that you want to run your hand through the hairs and make a mess of it and style it again to it's initial state. Then the eyes. The most breath taking of all. The one part of the body that doesn't seem to age. The one you would fall in love with over and over again. The colour so deep and so astounding that you let out your inhaled breath from earlier. Your head tilts as it lowers to your left or right shoulder as your parted mouth curves ever so slightly into a smile. Next comes the rest of the face. You take in every single detail with more precision than studying for a test and more focused than going into an interview. Your eyes go lower and you study every single inch of the body of this person. You stare at them. Thoughts flood into your mind like a dam that has opened its floodgates after a long period of rain. Meeting them again, talking to them, laughing with them, being their friend, holding them and snap. Reality hits.

Step 3; The dilly-dally shilly-shally
Your insecurities kick in you compare your status of "league" to theirs. He's out of your league or she's out of your league. They'll never find you attractive. That person, standing tall in front of you is so damn attractive that it's impossible that they're not taken by now. Or even worse, has gorgeous potential partners lining up for them. That's worse because then clearly he's a player or a fuck boi of sorts thinking he's the most valuable human being in the world that can get anyone's attention. No one needs a pretentious prick like that. You want someone strong someone handsome someone who looks like the person in front of your but with qualities that would check every box in the list of what you want in a guy guide.

Step 4; The Cupid's arrow.
Right when your thoughts rail off, an amusing yet very disconcerting arrow like feeling passes through your mind. A connection from your heart, the sympathetic and illogical station of emotions to your brain, the logical and stern station of emotionlessness. An obstruction is in place. A very huge unassailable sense of confidence gushes in making your heart the master of the brain. The will to see them again solidifies in the priority list of your mind. All of this happens in a mere second or five.

If you were walking in the beginning of the story then he's already gone out of sight. If you were stationary, he might still be around but at this point nothing goes through your head. You will steal glances and in some instances gape at him from distance completely oblivious to your surrounding and the tasks you are performing.
Still with the floating anxious feeling of wanting meet his eyes but weirdly scared as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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