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The sight I saw in front of me was enough to break my heart, then smash it into even smaller pieces, and grind it down into powder. Jungkook and Jimin. Kissing.

"Jimin..." I managed to let out before I choked a sob. Jungkook was kissing Jimin and Jimin didn't even attempt to push him away. Jimin... why... you played my feelings.

You broke my fragile heart.
You hurt my weak self.
You neglected my growing feelings.
You played with my heart.

Jimin pushed Jungkook away all of a sudden and ran to me, hugging my waist. Tears dripped from his gleaming eyes and something was triggered in me. Pity? Sadness?

Whatever it was it made me want to comfort him. I wrapped my arms around him.
Just for today. Only for today. Then it's over.

"I-I... p-please don't l-leave m-me..."
"Taehyung p-please..." He hugged me tighter and looked up at me with glassy eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"You kissed someone else Jimin."
"I-I didn't w-w-want to..."
"But you didn't push him away."
"I-it all h-happened s-so quickly I-I-"
"You fucking broke my heart Jimin."

What he said next made my eyes go wide.
"B-but I love y-you!"
"You w-what?"
"I-I love you Taehyung..." He looked at me.

"Give me time." Jimin nodded and let me go. I walked away from the two, Jimin, and Jungkook who was listening to our whole conversation. I went to our bedroom and sat on the bed.

He caught feelings fast. I should've known. I'm not looking for a serious relationship now though... can't everything just be normal? Why must it be so dramatic?

Right. Because the author-nim is crazy and wants a lot of drama in this. Do I love Jimin? Do I not? I don't know. I've never been in love before.

Sure I had the few crushes here and there but I've never been in a relationship. And I lost my first kiss to Jimin. I may love to party but I don't let my guard down so easy.

Which brings me to another point. I was only interested in Jimin because of his looks. I fucked up by creating the game and I'm somehow jealous when that Jungkook guy kissed Jimin?

I don't know. I shouldn't give Jimin false hope. I should figure out my feelings first. Distance from him a little. Sure I'll miss those skin ships but it's worth it.

I'll find out if I'm in love or not.

[time skip brought to you by Jimin's jams]

I woke up bright and early at 6am to get some breakfast. School starts at 8am so there's plenty of time. I looked at Jimin who was hugging my waist tightly. I tried to remove his hands but to no avail.

"Jimin... Jiminie... pabo... babe?" His eyes fluttered open.
"Morning Tae."
"Morning." His grip on me loosened and I hopped off the bed, picking out some clothes before heading to the shower.

Then I realised. Jimin was wearing my shirt. H o l y s h i t .
"Are you wearing my shirt to school?"
"Can I have another shirt? Please Tae~"

I sighed and took my oversized silk dress shirt and gave it to Jimin.
"Want a tie?"
"It's okay." He smiled and I regretted looking at him.

He looked so fucking soft and cute I could die. I shrugged it off and took a red oversized button up shirt and a black suit trousers and went to bathe. As I stepped out of the bathroom I saw Jimin in my shirt, the front tucked into his tight pants.

He saw me eyeing him up and down and smirked. Walking forward and placing his hands on my shoulders, he looked so sexy I could fuck him right then and there but I couldn't.

"Like what you see?"
"Jimin-ah stay by my side in school at all times, okay?"
"Awh are you getting protective over your Jiminie?"
"I will baby. I'm all yours."

He traced my jawline before ending at my chin, pulling it towards him and kissing me. I kissed back immediately, hoisting him up. I inserted my tongue into his mouth and fondled with his own.

Parting lips, his hands cupped my face.
"So dominant. Just how I like it. Anyway Tae what's your schedule?"
"Chemistry, Biology, Dance, Singing, Math, PE then Art I think."
"We have the same classes for today then."

I realised that my hands were on his ass and I squeezed it. He yelped and smacked my shoulder.
"Baby~" He brushed his thumb over the hickey he had gave me and smiled.

"You're mine." He commented.
"All yours babe."
"But we need to cover up." I nodded and grabbed some concealer, handing it to him. He covered our hickeys and threw the container onto the bed.
"Wanna grab some MacDonald's before going to school?" He asked.

"Like a date?" I smirked.
He kissed my forehead, something he was only able to do because I'm carrying him, and said, "I'll take you out after school."
"I'm the one taking you, okay?" I asked, pecking his lips before putting him down, slapping his ass after.

"Yah Kim Taehyung!"
"Thick. Anyway princess let's go."
"I'm not a princess!"
"You're my princess. Come on let's go I'm hungry."

We got our wallets and phones and went out. After getting MacDonald's we headed to class.
"Babe you sitting beside anyone?"
"Not for this class, since Jungkook sits beside Hoseok."

I smiled and wrapped my hand around his waist.
"Then we can sit together." We took our books from our lockers which were conveniently placed beside each other and headed to class.

We were walking side by side and some people cat called Jimin. I grabbed his wrist and brisk walked to class. As we sat down I looked at him. He looked hella good. Just then, the teacher walked in.


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