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a/n kinda mature??


„You've needed 5 Minutes Naruto", Sasuke said after me getting in the car.

„I know Sasuke-kun and I am so sorry! But look I searched for my fave t-shirt and found it!" I pointed to the orange t-shirt I wore with a red fox on it.

„Cute and now let's go. We are late." His eyes focused on the street as he started driving.

I turned my head around and looked out of the window while blushing. He found my t-shirt cute.


Approximately 15 Minutes later we arrived at Sakuras House. Many people were in the garden with red cups in their hands, drinking and laughing. Inside of the house many lights shined and I could hear the sound of the loud music blasting through the walls.

Sasuke stopped about 50 Meters next to the house because there were no free space for parking the car. We both got out of the car and walked slowly to the party.

Sasuke has put his hands in the pockets of his pants and looked to the ground while walking.

„Don't.. don't go far away from me. After all, I want to drive you home. I want to know you safe."

„Sasuke-kun", I whispered, clearly surprised of him being so soft.

I touched his elbow briefly before answering.

„Don't worry about it. I will be by your side the whole evening", I assured him softly.

He gave me a small nod.

Together we entered the house after winding through all the people in the garden. Apparently the house was too small for all the guests in it.
I followed Sasuke to an improvised bar and he handed me a red cup.

„It's with less alcohol. Don't drink too much. People do stupid things when they are drunk." I nodded and took a sip of the liquid. It had a strawberry taste. Wow, it was quite tasty.

Happily we discovered the different rooms and talked to many people. There was just one disadvantage. Everyone was fucking drunk. So it was quite difficult to have a normal conversation with them.

„Let's Play Truth or Dare!!", Lee shouted and everyone held their cups in the air while shouting 'yes'.

I don't know how but one minute later I was sitting among all the people in a circle. And the game has started.

10 Minutes later I was totally drunk because the bottle kept pointing at me. So I was forced to drink a lot of alcohol. Sasuke wasn't amused by this but he sat next to me. He was so lucky, the bottle hasn't pointed at him yet.

Lee turned the green bottle and it spinned and spinned. Please not me, Please not me, I thought.

It became slowly and stopped at.. Sasuke. I looked at him surprised.

„Truth or Dare?", everyone shouted.

„I don't care. Let's do dare", he shrugged with his shoulders.

„Ok you have to take a room with another person for 10 Minutes."

„Okay", Sasuke said bluntly.

„Who wants to?", Lee asked the crowd.

All the girls put their hands in the air and shoved each other away. Fortunately Sakura wasn't inside of the house, or else she would have killed everybody for being in a room with Sasuke for 10 minutes.

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