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A/N: So, this different from what I usually write but as you may know, I'm an arianator and that love started from Victorious which has always been one of my favorite childhood shows. Years ago, I found the video above (please watch) and since I've recently found it again, it sparked the idea of a story. So here we are! I truly hope everyone enjoys this story and make sure to comment, vote, and check out my other stories if interested. ENJOY <3 - Deja (P.S. This has been in the drafts since 2018 and I'm bored enough to publish it so bear with me lol)

Cat watched the laces of her pink floral shoes drag across the wet ground as she walked the oh so familiar route to the house of the one person who knew what she was going through.

Arriving to her destination, Cat pushed open the wooden gate to the dark backyard, going over to the tree and began to climb it.

Only slipping once due to the pouring rain and her shoe laces, Cat crawled onto the roof as she ignored the burning from the fresh cut on her arm from the tree, knocking softly on the window.

Jade pulled back her curtains, sighing when she saw the small redhead sitting on her roof as she waited for the window to be opened for her.

Unlocking the window, Jade pulled the window open, helping Cat into her room as quietly as she could.

"Cat you can't keep doing this" Jade told the small girl as she grabbed a towel off the back of her door, wrapping it around the soaking wet girl after taking her wet bookbag that she'd dry later.

"I couldn't stay. They were so loud a-and kept breaking things. I- I had to leave...I think he was drunk this time" Cat trembled from being cold and having so many emotions. Jade led her over to her bed, gesturing for her to sit as she could get some dry clothes for her.

"Have you talked to either of them about all of this?" Jade asked. Cat nodded her head no, keeping her vision trained on her wet shoes.

"I tried to talk to my mom but she got mad. She said it's none of my business and that things are fine"

Jade couldn't help but feel her heart break a little each time Cat came to her for comfort. The redhead's parents have been having issues since Cat could remember and as the fights worsened, so did Cat's mental health.

It wasn't much of a secret that Cat deals with bipolar disorder, anxiety, and depression. Jade would be more surprised if Cat had none of the above.

Sighing, Jade handed the clean clothes to Cat and told her to go shower in her bathroom.

Cat used to tolerate the constant fighting between her parents when she was younger as she really didn't have much of a choice as she didn't have many friends or knew where to go.

That was until she met Jade in 5th grade. The previously dark haired 10 year old was sitting by herself in the empty classroom, watching the other kids run around outside sadly. She wanted to go out and play but at the same time she didn't. The kids weren't exactly friendly. They would tease her for anything they could.

It wasn't anything Cat was doing. It just happened to be the type of school she went to. They'd tease her for wearing bows, push her, take her things, anything to bother the young girl. She was an easy target.

Cat never expected to make a friend. She was confused as to why she didn't have any at first but when her parents began arguing over everything, including her and her brother, Cat was convinced she was the reason. With her brother being the way he is, all attention had to be on him. Cat felt like she was annoying and unwanted because that's how her parents made it seem. So clearly she was the problem right?

"Catarina?" Cat turned around from looking out the window to see her teacher walking towards her with a dark haired girl following her.

"This is Jade. She's new here and I was wondering if it's okay if she sits in here with you" the woman introduced the girl to Cat. Cat glanced at the other 10 year old, taking in her appearance.

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