Virgil's Birthday

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Virgil's POV


"Happy birthday dear Virgil, happy birthday to you!" They all sing. I smile as Patton places the cake on the table in front of me.

It's black, with purple patch designs in thick icing decorating it, just like my hoodie. On the top are a few purple candles, flickering with beautiful orange flames.

I lean forward slightly and blow out the candles, my friends around me cheering as I sit back, adjusting the black party hat on my head with a grin.

"Smile, hun!" Patton cries, lifting his camera up in front of me.

"Babe! I said no pictures!" I say, covering my face.

"You're no fun." My boyfriend pouts. "You look so pretty!" He says. I roll my eyes and uncover my face, smiling somewhat awkwardly and doing an ironic peace sign for good measure.

Patton's eyes light up behind his glasses and he raises his camera to snap my photo, the flash making me jump, blinking for a few seconds.

Everyone at the party melts back into their conversations, and Patton smiles at me before rounding the table.

"Happy birthday, gorgeous." He says, leaning down to kiss me.

"Ew, mom and dad, stop." Roman, says, and I open my eyes to shoot him a glare as Patton pulls away.

"Hey, just cause you two aren't into PDA does not mean you can judge us for it!" Patton says to him with a laugh.

Roman mocks severe offense, placing a hand over his mouth as he reaches out to grab Logan's hand with the other. He pulls Logan close to him, spinning him round and dipping him backwards, kissing him.

Logan looks shocked, but kisses back before pushing Roman to stand up straight and adjusting his glasses on his nose, blushing. Patton turns to me with a smirk.

"We're the better couple." He says proudly, an arm round my shoulders. Logan scoffs.

"I beg to differ."

Patton, Roman, Logan and I all laugh at the ridiculous conversation.

"For the record, we love Moxiety." Roman says, pointing between us.

"And we love Logince." I say.

After waving our last party guests goodbye, myself and Patton curl up on the couch together, and put on a Disney movie. My favourite, Aladdin, because it's my birthday.

Patton lies next to me with his head on my chest, my hand absentmindedly brushing through his hair as I smile at the TV screen.

It really has been one of the best birthdays ever.

"Are you singing A Whole New World?" Patton asks with a giggle. I snap out of my daydream, realising that I had in fact been quietly singing along with it. I clear my throat.


"Yeah you were!" Patton says. "We are so gonna do a duet one day, dibs Jasmine." He says, looking up at me with excited eyes. I laugh.

"That is definitely not happening." I say, and the gives me his saddest eyes. "No, don't do the eyes, you know I can't resist the eyes!" I say, trying to cover his face from my peripheral vision with my hand.

He giggles, moving my hand out of the way and crawling up so our faces are inches apart.

"I love you." He says with a goofy smile.

"I love you too, Patton." I say, he leans down and kisses me, soft and sweet.

"Happy birthday, baby."

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