Sombra - Neck Kisses

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[Sorry, this is a short one!]

As a future Sombra main, I had to do Sombra first... I hope you enjoy! <3

[P.s... I tried to make this one Gender-Neutral]

[Your POV]

I stood before Gabriel, Olivia, and Amélie with pure confidence. Would they take my plan seriously this time? I would just have to see.

I open my mouth to begin speaking but was interrupted by Olivia standing up, "Sorry amiga, I totally forgot that I have plans-" She stood and rushed off toward the door, turning a final time to quickly blow a kiss toward me before leaving.

I knew that was a total lie - but I don't blame her. Meetings were boring, she'd rather be on the field hacking a Rein or something. I let out a sigh, but begin to explain my plan to Gabriel and Amélie anyway. My words seemed to surprise the two, as they seemed to actually consider my plan as I was explaining it.

"-and then when I'm in position, Widow, you will take this platform here and-" My breath hitched in my throat. I felt light kisses along my neck, but nobody was there. I immediately knew what, or rather, who it was.

So she wants a challenge? Fine.

I clear my throat before continuing, "-and take aim down here. And Reaper, you will enter through th-"

The kisses became rougher, and I groan in annoyance - but I couldn't say I didn't like it...

"Y/N?" Amélie raised a thinly sculpted brow, looking at me with pure confusion, "Is something the matter?" She and Gabriel both looked at me, confused.

I nod once, holding back my squeaks. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine!" I place my hand over the spot on my neck where she was nipping at, disallowing her to go any further. "Anyway, I'll have Sombra hack everything beforehand so it's an easier entry for all of us-"

She nipped on the other side of my neck and I let out a small squeak as I jump backward, nearly slamming into the wall.

The two sighed before seemed to catch on, grumbling "Sombra..."

A purple light flashed in the room before Olivia appeared in the room, "Been here all along~"

"Can't you take anything seriously?" Gabriel asked with pure attitude in his voice.

"Hm~?" She turned toward him, "Sorry Gabe, I couldn't help myself! Y/N just looked so cute standing there~" She snuggled up into my side before kissing my cheek, "I couldn't resist~"

I couldn't stop my cheeks from going red at her words. Damn... she makes me weak.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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