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After I screamed at them they stopped, I felt them put my clothes on. They left me in the handcuffs and Rope, I laid there silently crying when I heard the door open
You:No more!!!
The person took off the rope and handcuffs, I fought back and attacked him but they were stronger than me and held me back
Jacob:I'm not gonna do anything to you
He took off my blind fold
Jacob:I don't rape people
You:then why are you with them
Jacob: because.. I need the money, my parents are in debt, they know I'm doing this but not raping girls
You:then let me leave
Jacob: I can't
You:why not
Jacob:I'm sorry I can't say
Then we hear them calling Jacob
Jacob:Bye...I'll bring you food don't worry they won't know
He left the room and I was alone again for the night, for the next few days They've been doing terrible things to me, I was Nobody inside, I've lost my personality, I was they're toy, I was Broken

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