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"Carla!" I woke up to hear "get down for breakfast, you're late!" I heard my brother screaming at me. I rolled out of bed and landed on the floor with a giant THUD! I took a risk and glanced in the mirror. My hair which was straight the night before was now an afro, my eyebrows looked like bushes and my pimples seem to be sticking out of my face glowing bright red! I was seventeen going eighteen in a week, why was i still getting pimples like i was 13?! I ran downstairs to find my older brother Callum scoffing all my breakfast, just like he did every morning. He was such a dick. Another morning without a breakfast i thought to myself . Rolling my eyes I sprinted back upstairs (falling twice) to get changed into my uniform. I slapped some make-up on my face to make me feel less self conscious. I was no make-up artist but i had to admit i was getting better each day. I lazily straightened my hair like i did every day , i was too afraid to wear it any other way. Then i changed into my ugly uniform, seriously my priceable picked the worst uniform! It was a red jumper with green trousers or skirt! Ew ew ew. I wish i didnt live in Ireland and i lived in America so i could just wear my own clothes into school. I ran down the stairs hoping that i wasnt late, if i was late again my head teacher was going to give me a detention and trust me i didnt want another one of those. As i sprinted to school one if my heels broke on my school shoes. I screamed , i was so annoyed this was not my morning. I was only a bit away from school now. The building its self just made me so happy because i knew nothing could go wrong in school , nothing. But i was wrong, very wrong.


As i walked into class i realised i look like a monkey , walking in bare feet and my hair so puffy i looked like i had been electric shocked and my face really red from all the running, but i didn't care. As long i was with my best friend Jenny i was happy. I looked around the class as i saw about 30 confused faces daring at me blankly. Then i spotted Jenny she was at the back. I ran down to her , i was just so happy to be with her she was always there for me.

"Carla" Jenny said as she squeezed me so hard i couldn't breath " you won't believe what happened yesterday!"

"What?" i replied with excitement

"Josh Daniels asked me to come out with his friends today" she screamed "and the best part is he asked me to bring you too!"

I couldn't move josh Daniels and all his friends were the most popular people in the school and they were asking me and Jenny to come out to them? Was i dreaming ? Was this real?

"AHHHHH?!?" I screamed causing everyone to turn around

"I know" Jenny said "we are going to the shopping centre at 6pm and going to see the movie 22 jump street, are you in?"

"Of course!" I said and in my head i was already picking out the outfit i was going to wear


It was 5:45 when i told my mam that i was going out not thy he cared, my mam was a heavy alcoholic so she wasnt really around that much. So me and my brother Callum practically had to raise ourselves because we had no idea who our dad was. My mam was recently in rehab but they kicked her out for sneaking in beer and sharing it with all the all the alcoholics. Well i knew i was not going to end up like her. So basically in my house it was me and my dickhead brother and alcoholic mam and no idea who my dad was. Not the best family, but you get what you are given. On my way to the shopping centre i was so excited! I was actually going to be popular! As i entered the cinema there was no one there. I thought they were all going to be late. I texted Jenny just to be safe. No reply. So i just Walked up to the counter and bought one ticket and went into the cinema to wait for them. I knew that if they were late they would still come in to the cinema. So i sat there all alone in the dark cinema waiting for my friends. As the movie started i knew that there must have been something wrong. As the movie ended and i was still on my own i was worried , maybe i came at the wrong time , or maybe the wrong movie. What ever it was i knew that Jenny would tell me tomorrow. I walked out of the cinema looking lonely and confused. Then i heard someone call my name "HEY CARLA" i turned around to see josh and all his friends looking at me. I was so happy that i found them and that i wasn't alone. But then i saw that they were laughing their heads off. What were they laughing at? Then i saw Jenny come out of the crowd of popular people , she had an evil smirk on her face. "Jenny whats happening?" I asked her.

"Oh poor little Carla all confused" Jenny said sarcastically as all the others laughed histarically "when now yesterday josh rang me and asked me to come out , but he said i could only come out if i ditched you, at first i was like no way we are best friends but then i realised was i really going to waist my popularity on you? No way so i asked josh what he wanted me to do with you and he came up with a brilliant plan, to ditch you at the cinema and humiliate you in front of everyone!"

My face went do red and tears welled up in my eyes. But i sucked them in , no way was i going to cry in front of everyone, even though everything i had been through this afternoon i still had my dignity.

"Carla actually thought she was going to be popular?" Jenny asked me laughing so hard her face went red "no way that would ever happen, you are too ugly and too fat and just not popular-material "

It seemed like everybody in the whole shopping centre was laughing at me! I just ran out i couldn't take it anymore. I just ran and ran and ran. And i kept running until i reached my house.


As soon as i got into my house i ran upstairs into the bathroom and just stared in the mirror, was everything they said true? My best friend called me ugly and fat. I stared at my stomach and the longer i stared at my belly the bigger it seemed to get! I was fed up. I didnt want to be called ugly or fat. It was going to stop. So i done the only thing i thought i could do, I got my fingers and put them down my throat and made myself throw up



This is my first book so i am really not used to this.. But i am really grateful if you are reading this it means a lot :) i hope you

are enjoying it :D and i hope you are not bored. Please comment what you think ;)

UPDATE- i will update as soon as i know people are reading my story , so keep commenting :)


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2014 ⏰

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