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Y/n = your name
L/n = last name
F/c = favorite color

Yeah if you've read these you know I'm just gonna a shut the fuck up...
                    (Narrators POV)
Your name is Y/N L/N and your part of the red army. One of tords most trusted actually. You were preparing for a sneak attack on the green army base.. ,which you helped plan. Why were you doing this? You didn't actually know... but you knew you can trust red leader! Right?


You approached the green army base with paul and pat, tords other most trusted, and waited for their signal.

"Wait for it...." -Paul
"I am waiting asshole!" -Y/N
"Shut up y/n!" -Pat
"Whatever..." -y/n

You could see some of the green army soldiers come out of the base door and you became very excited.

"And... NOW!" -paul

You threw the grenade In the door and waited for it to explode which came not to long after you threw it, and jumped out from behind the rock you were hiding behind and started to shoot at the soldiers. Most of the army had came out of the green base so you had to call reinforcements. You shot at someone who you swear you recognized when you saw 'him' come out to fight... the green leader himself.

You began to panic but also felt happy that you could end this now by killing the most wanted leader (besides Red leader) and becoming a hero to the red army. While you were fantasizing you saw paul and pat struggling to not get hit so you ran to them to help out. You then felt a striking pain in your arm and you dropped your gun.

"AGH!" -y/n
"WHAT?" -Paul
"I'm hit!" -y/n
"You gonna be ok?!" -Pat
"Yeah!" -y/n

Welp that was a lie because you weren't fine you were shot. It wasn't two seconds later when you were shot again but you didn't scream in pain this time. You saw that most of the red army was shot down and killed so you started to worry 'all that time spent planning this out... wasted' you thought to yourself. But not a moment later someone hit you in the back of the neck and knocked you out.

Sorry if this seems short XD I just wanted to give u guys a taste of what's to come lol anyways see u guys soon

Green leader x Reader | not your true enemy | EddsworldWhere stories live. Discover now