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Namjoon's POV:

I picked up a fork full of food, ready to shovel it into my wide opened mouth, as Jin sighed at the other side of the table, eyes desperately eyeing it.

I knew what he wanted. And I knew, I was foolishly enough to give it to him.

And with that, I just closed my mouth again, slowly retreating the fork and guiding it in the opposite direction, toward Jin.

Excitedly smiling at me, he opened his mouth wide, stretching out his plumb lips and closing them as soon as he had the full fork in his cavern.

It was truly a sight to see.

And I was rewarded with his blissful moan, as the aroma took over his tastebuds.

His eyes fluttered closed as he chewed.

Jin eating and enjoying his food was truly a sight to see.

I took the fork back, as I stared at him with loving eyes, ignoring the desires that were burning up inside me.

We had better stuff to do, plus, we were in public.

"Thanks, Joonie. Do you think we could repeat that again?" he smiled with sparkling eyes and without giving it any second thought, I picked up some more food and shove it in his mouth, without a warning.

Jin started chewing and as fast he could see, I had the next fork placed in front of his lips, impatiently waiting for him to finish chewing.

"Eat!" I commanded silently, being utterly amused by how big his eyes grew by now, gobbling down my food, giving him no chance to touch his own.

"Are you trying to fatten m-" he started to say and I used my opportunity to shovel another bite of food in his mouth.

"How did you come to that weird conclusion? I want my boyfriend to be as skinny as possible" I rolled my eyes and replied with sarcasm.

"That's nice, but-" another fork full of food.

"Joon! I can't-" another bite.

"Hey! Listen up!" – and another bite.

"Joon!" Now he was hitting my hand and stared deeply into my eyes and I chuckled at him.

"Stop feeding me so fast! I can't enjoy its taste" he huffed and I started laughing.

"That was because you hurried. I only gave you food as soon as you started speaking up again" I reasoned out and he rolled his eyes.

"Why? Don't you want to talk to me?" He seemed slightly hurt by now.

My silly Jinnie.

"No. But I know how much you love food. And feeding you is fun, teasing even more" I grinned sheepishly and now he was rolling his eyes.

"You are not funny Joon!" he sighed, but I didn't miss the sparkle in his eyes.

"Now! Stop talking and start feeding me again", he commanded and opened his mouth like a baby bird, waiting for food to be stuffed in.

"I thought you never would ask." I exhaled and picked up a fork of his seafood pasta and stuffed it into his mouth, earning a happy nod from him.

While I was dazed at the white sauce, that was stuck on the corner of his lips.

Without even thinking twice, I laid down the fork and leaned over, wiping it away with my thumb, not missing the chance to cupping his cheek and caressing it for a mere second, staring into his eyes, getting lost all over again.