Chapter 1: The Beginning of it all

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You had been out hiking in your town's local gorge. The trails wound all the way up and out into the bordering animal preserve making it the perfect place for you to sate your adventurous side.

It was a few miles out of town and with tourist season over the trails were void of any human presence. You were not an experienced hiker in any way, shape, or form, but recently you've had these sudden bursts of energy and this inspiration to go out and exercise.

This sudden passion burning within you brought you to the gorge leading you up and out into the trails that were plotted out around the land.

Having been out in the trail for most of the afternoon you came to the executive decision to head home, your legs sore and beginning to ache. Checking your map you saw that instead of walking the entire half mile back to your car there was a shorter path back to the parking lot that cuts along the side of the gorge.

Though what you did not take into the consideration as you stuffed your map back into your pocket and headed off in the proper direction was that the trail was labelled as an expert trail for experienced hikers.

Meaning this trail was the nightmare mode of Nightmare mode.

It was only when you were half way down the gorge trail, breathing heavily and legs burning did you think something might be wrong. Despite what your body was telling you, you continue on. That was when the trail path began to thin until it was wide as you were thick.

Past the point of return you say the only option being that you forge onwards. Continuing along the trail, the only thing between you and falling fifty feet to a bloody demise was a thin wooden railing which rattled frailly at the slightest touch.

Just as the thought of slipping under the railing to your death crossed your mind you felt your foot slip out from under you.

Instead of flying off the edge of the gorge and being sent to your soggy grave down below. An ungodly pain sparked up your right leg making you cry out in a choked pain.

Glancing down you gagged at the sight. Your ankle contorted into a horribly unnatural position. Adrenaline fueling your body, you struggled to pull off your backpack you frantically reach for a small bottle of aspirin knowing you would be grateful for this later. Swallowing a handful, you sent out a silent prayer as you pull out your phone and map to call for help.

Though as you dial 911 and look for your position on the map through your now watering eyes you began to full on bawl when you realize you had read the map wrong to begin with.

Instead of the trail being .3 miles back to the parking lot.

It was 3 miles back to the parking lot.

On top of all this wonderful news your piece of shit phone had no signal. Leaving you stranded on this trail alone and injured.

With a frustrated scream you clawed at the ground below you in pure frustration and pain.

A burning determination suddenly filled your chest as you refused to let yourself perish out here like this. Memories of odd television shows you had seen long ago had shown stories of people who had gone through these exact situations. With a new hope growing in your heart, you stuffed your bag with all your belongings and grit your teeth as you began to drag yourself along the rocky and rough ground.

You could feel the sharp rocks and dirt tearing at you though you blocked it all out as you stared straight ahead and forced your body to move.

If you could at least get to the 2-mile point campers might hear you screaming you had theorized. Though the sun set much faster than you had planned as the sound of night dwellers crept closer.

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