Chapter 5: Walk in the woods

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 A few days had gone by with little excitement.

You found yourself falling into somewhat of a routine.

Wake up, have breakfast with Mabel and at night you would stay up and disappear upstairs with Frost for a late-night dinner.

While you enjoyed spending time with Mabel and getting to know her. There was something a lot more alluring about talking to an extraterrestrial being.

Though after talking with him late into the hours of the morning he quickly became more than a name and a face.

Frost was very kind though he was surprisingly quick witted often catching you off guard with a quirk retort to a comment of yours.

You learned that he had been on earth for many years simply traveling and exploring the planet as much as he could. Frost was very curious often picking up things and from around the house and asking you about them.

Though one night he wanted to do something a bit different. Something special.

Holding you close to his chest as he carried you. You said nothing as he carried you outside the cool nights air blushing your shoulders and cheeks as you approached the forest.

Frost carried you through the forest. The soft bird song still in the air even as the moon hung low in the sky.

Soon enough you came to a clearing on the banks of a stream that babbled from the rolling water.

"Wow." You whispered as Frost set you down next to him on the bank looking down at the water shimmering in the low lighting.

"Quite amazing what might just be waiting right outside your door huh?" Frost said softly looking curiously into the water his reflection distorted by running water.

You both sat in a comfortable silence for a moment before you noticed how tense Frost was.

Before you could ask him, what was wrong, he turned to you with a heavy sigh.

"I need to apologize to you." He announced eyes soulful and entirely serious.

Taken aback by his sudden change in mood you just watched as he fidgeted nervously clearly struggling with his words something you had never seen before.

"I know no other way to say this so I will be blunt."

You were worried now as you nodded somewhat hesitantly.

Frost opened his mouth and closed it before sighing heavily

"It pains me greatly to see you restricted due to your injury. I feel partly at fault for your injury as I should have been there from the beginning to assist you."

You went to respond but paused as his look was telling that he wasn't finished yet.

"I wanted to find a way to make you better. Undo what had been done, or heal you faster than what your body could do on its own."

Frost wavered for a second as he pulled at his fingers nervously.

"Frost..." You said calmly needing to know what he was holding back.

"I am deeply sorry for not asking you but I have been treating you for your injury."

"Treating me how."

"I put medicine in your drink a few days ago."

"Frost!" You shouted furiously. The yautja shrank back startled by your outburst as he attempted to apologize again.

"You can't do that to people! Do you know how wrong that is on so many levels!" You spat out as he tossed out apologies his eyes searching yours.

"I am truly regretful of my choices and I would not have told you if I wasn't. Had I known the differences in our customs preemptively I would never have even considered."

You were so taken by surprise by this all you shook your head when you leaped to your feet and started to storm off.

You got to the edge of the clearing before you paused. You glanced down and looked at the brace on your ankle. You felt no pain no discomfort.

Looking back at Frost who stood slowly, smiling excitedly as you tested out your suddenly healed ankle.

You opened your mouth to say something though It was much too late as you heard footsteps coming through the woods.

"Hey! Where are you!" Mabels voice cried out as she frantically called out you name.

Looking behind you Frost was already gone as Mabel became barreling towards you.

She was obviously takrn aback by your sudden wellness as she pulled you into a hug checking you over.

"Come on we have to hurry back."

"what for?"

"Are you crazy? Did you not just see the thing that dragged you out here?" Mabel gasped as she grabbed your arm and dragged you back towards the house looking around frantically for any kind of monster lurking in the shadows of the night. 

Once back in the house you needed a moment to yourself. Tearing your brace off you brushed off a dumb founded Mabel as you locked yourself in the bathroom. Sitting on the edge of the tub you let the steam from the water calm you as you slowly came to terms with the proverbial hell that was opening up before you. 

What do you get yourself into... 

[wanted to get this out asap so its unedited currently my apologizes for any grammatical or spelling errors <3] 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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