Schedule change

743 17 16

(Finally I got inspiration!)


I go to class and enter to see HELLen and Ms. Yona

(Just a small picture of Yona, since we all know who Hellen is already)

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(Just a small picture of Yona, since we all know who Hellen is already)

If I remember correctly she is my aunt question is why she is here

Yona: alright! I am Yona the math teacher, and this is my supply for when I'm away H--

Hellen: Oh please, children like you should be a helper instead of the teacher

Yona: ...

My aunt gives a smile but she was clearly triggered so she ust

Yona: so let us start the lesson!

Hellen: hey! Don't ignore m--

My aunt pushes Hellen back into her deat

Yona: for now, don't do anything or say anything okay?

Hellen: why should I--

Yona: I won't hesitate to harm you b****

My aunt gives another smile then continues with the lesson

All of us were silent for the rest of the class


The bell rings and we all go to cooking class until I hear a announcement

Temmie: Y/N L/N pLeAse CoMe tO OfFiCe NoW!!!

Then the announcement ended

Of course I went to find Vice Principal Temmie sitting there with a serious face

Temmie: HOi MiSs Y/N!!! TaKE a SeAt!!

I sit down in front of V.P. Temmie then they give me a schedule

Temmie: TeMMiE mAdE SmOl ErRoR iN ScHeDuLe!!! HeRe YoO NeW ScHeDuLe!!!

This is what the schedule said


| Actual Schedule: |

| P.E - Coach Error |

| Art class - Mr. Ink |

| Music class - Ms. Shyren |

| Astronomy - Mr. Dream |

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