Chapter 1

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Lily's Pov

I am on my way to my friends house for a sleepover. I am so excited to see her and my other friends. I haven't seen them in so long because our dad's tour a lot and we rarely get to see them too since they are always so busy. Our fathers are in a band called Def Leppard, they were really popular in the 80s and early 90s.

My dad Vivian Campbell is the guitarist in the band, he helped take over Steve Clarks place in a friendly matter. Steve was a great guitarist though from all the stories I've heard and videos I have seen, he is amazing.

Anyway so dad is taking me to my friends house and he is staying to because he is recording a new album for Def Leppard and we get to stay at there house for a while.

"Hey dad, how much longer? I'm so excited to see Ashley!" Dad replies " We are almost there Lily, don't worry you will have plenty of time to hang out with Ash."

Steph's POV

I'm on my way to Ash's house and I am so excited to see her and the others.  My dad Phil is coming too because he is recording an album with the band he is apart ofDef Leppard. Can't wait just can't wait!

Rachael's POV

I'm going to my friends house for a sleepover, so excited to see everyone! My dad is Rick Allen, the drummer with one arm, he is so inspiring to me, i love him with all my heart

Mia's POV

I'm already at Ashes house just helping to prepare for the sleep over, we are going to be doing some interesting stuff at this sleepover it is going to be fun! I'm Rick Savages daughter and I'm one of Ashes BFFs we have been inseparable since we were born. I know it sounds weird but all best friends feel like they ave known each other for so long.

"Hey Mia can you past me those candles please"
"here ya go"
"cheers" we both laugh

Then me dad comes in " hey girls what you doing?"
Ash replies " Just preparing for the sleepover, it's going to be so much fun"
Dad just laughs and says " Have fun girls, if you need anything just come to te studio and we will there."

Ash's POV

I am so excited for this sleepover it is going to be so much fun. We are going to watch movies, tell scary stories and even maybe summon a ghost. It sounds freaky but I think it's going to be fun!

My dad the one and only Joe Elliott are going to be recording some new music for the band Def Leppard and I thought that we should do like a father and daughter get together while our moms go and do a girls night out.

Me dad comes in "Hey Ash are the lads and ladies on there way." " Yes dad they should be here really soon, I tell you when they are here" he thanked me then when back to the studio

Mia the asked me " hey Ash, what's the plan for tonight, I know what we are doing, I just don't know what's the order." I replied " I'll say what we are doing when everyone gets here so I dint have to repeat myself like a 100 times" I laugh and she laughed as well and agreed.

Minutes later the door rang and as I opened it I see everyone is actually here " hi everyone! Hoops your all well, come on in"

Vivian then said " is your father in the studio" I nodded and the men went to the studio and told us that if we needed anything just ask one of us. My friends and I all replied yes .

Lily said " Omg Ash I'm so happy to see you I have so much gossip that you will want to piss yourself" I just laughed and told them all to come to the living room.

I am so happy this finally happening

Rachael then asked me excitedly "so ash what do you have planned for tonight" I replied " well, first we can watch a movie with dinner which will be pizza, then we can gossip/ tell scary stories and maybe summon a ghost?" Steph then replied " that sounds awesome what movie are we watching." I replied " I was thinking maybe an 80s movie, but I don't care you guys are my guest you can watch whatever you like other than R rated movies cause me dad will murder me." I laugh and Mia said " I like the idea of an 80s movie what about you guys?" They all said yes to an 80s movie. So I went on my Netflix to see what 80s movies are on. " Sixteen Candles? The Breakfast Club, The Shining? Which one" Lily then said " what about Childs Play" "ok"

We watched Child's Play while we ate our pizza, it was a bit boring but funny because the things he says are really funny but rude.

A/n that's the first chapter! Hope ya like it,

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