chapter 4

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Aloise set on his bed in discomfort

"Claude bring me my paperwork I have lots to do and I don't want to get left behind because of you!"

"Yes your highness"

"Are you hungry your highness"

"Yes bring me something healthy"

"Yes your highness"

Alois sat on his bed covering his head with his blanket he had a nasty headache nothing he seemed to do would make it go away he set up in his bed clenching his forehead with a small bit of force why am I hurting so bad he asked himself he heard his door open with a little bit of care Claude has never been this cautious why is he acting this way now of all times especially after what he did he hasn't even apologized for what happened and aloise was getting angrier by the second

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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