The rays from the sun danced of the surface of the water, making it sparkle like gem stones. The ocean was calm and quiet, the only sound, a seagull in the distance. Everything was peaceful, but under the water monsters lurked.
These monsters weren't alive, but they injured and killed the creatures of the deep. Big and small were victims to these horrid monsters made by man and set free in the ocean.
Billy the little sea turtle was out on his morning swim. He sadly lived alone, because his mother had passed away. One of the strange monsters had gotten her. It had tangled its arms around her until she was gone.
Billy was on his way to his friend, Lily the seahorse. They had become friends shortly after his mother had died. She lived a few minutes away from where he lived and they had many adventures together.
Billy was almost at Lily's house when a shiny object in the distance caught his attention. He swam closer to inspect the strange being in the water. As he got closer he saw that it was one of the monsters, but now it didn't look scary, in fact it looked harmless. Curious, Billy poked the monster with his front flipper and the monster grabbed hold.
Billy started to panic. He couldn't get free. The monster grabbed him tighter and tighter. As Billy struggled his whole body got entangled. He was frantic now and began crying hysterically. He didn't want to die because of the strange floating monsters.
Luckily for Billy he was close to a Marine life rescue centre. The nice people that worked there found him close to the surface fighting for his life, in what seemed like a losing battle. They took him and cut the monster off his body, as they did Billy learned the monsters name. The humans called it "plastic". Although Billy was finally free the monster had left its mark and cut his body.
They took him in and nursed him back to health and finally after two months, Billy could go back home .He was released close to where the humans had found him.
As Billy swam away he thought of his mother and all the other creatures who lived in the ocean and those who weren't as lucky as him to have survived the monsters attack. He now had a mark on his leg as a reminder of how dangerous these strange creature, the humans called '"plastic", could be.
Billy would never forget what happened to him and make it his mission to warn others. Although these "plastics" looked harmless, they could inflict major damage, as the scar on Billy's leg could prove.
word count(453)
Billy's Story
AdventureBilly the sea turtle's encounter with the monsters humans call plastic. My entry for the planet or plastic competition.