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~Andy's POV~

I awake to the bright morning sun beaming in my face,and my arm wrapped tightly around Lucy's small form. I gently nuzzle her neck and lightly kiss her neck. I think I really love this girl I grin to myself.

~Lucy's POV~

I awake to nuzzling and gentle kisses on my neck. I open my Pastel Green eyes as they meet Andy's dazzling blue irises. "So...what are we doing today Andy?" I sit-up in bed finding my hair is a tangled mess. "Want to go for a walk?" He asks as I walk over to the large mirror and quickly run a brush through my matted hair. "Sure" I grin as I throw on some clothes. Andy pulls me back to the bed "or we could just cuddle..." I feel my face get hot as those words left his mouth. Andy grins as he pulls me close to him, I reach down and pull the blankets over us both. Then I'm overcome with a strange feeling....is this what love feels like?

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