how to request + example one-shot

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Hello, everyone! This is our first story, a book of one-shots and imagines.


W H A T W E D O:

→ Character x Reader [Can Be Pansexual / Bisexual]

→ Ships [Cracks / Cannons / ETC.]

→ Whatever else you want [OC's / Crossovers]



☁️ Just comment what you would like the one-shot to be about, and if there's any other pairings you want us to add! [Ex. Jade Hao [FT OC], Natsu Dragneel / Soul Evans, Maka Albarn]

Got it? Cool! Please send in requests, we are so excited to try this!

~ jade, lizzy, mitts

For myself, jade (@singintheshower). This is an example one shot! Remember, please comment requests! We are eager to write them for you!



Jade felt her body seize up as she gripped the letter in her hands. This was not happening... not to her. Not now.

But it was. Tears began to dot the letter, smudging the ink on the printed paper. Jade re-read it again, just to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

Dear Miss Jade Hao,

We are extremely sorry to announce that your parents, Gina and Frank Hao, passed away on August 15, X792, in a severe carriage accident. We send our deepest regards.

Yours Truly, 

The Haregon Funeral Service and Co.

Her parents... gone. And she would never see them again. Never.

Her feet felt like lead as she walked to Fairy Tail. Oh yes, she was part of Fairy Tail. The famous guild in Magnolia.

"Hi, Jade!" Lucy waved as she walked in.

Jade just sent her a quick smile, sliding into an empty seat. "Mira, could I have a strawberry water? Something light, doesn't matter."

Mira cocked her head at Jade as she went to get the drink. "What's wrong, Jade? You look pale."

Jade blinked. "I'm fine."

"No, you're not." Mira said sternly. She spotted the paper clenched in Jade's hand. "What's that? A job request?"

"Its nothing." she mumbled.

"C'mon, let me see it." Mira sighed, holding out her hand.

Jade looked at her, then handed the paper. Mira read it once, then crossed the room and threw it into the fireplace.

"I'm sorry, Jade."

"Don't be." she shrugged. "It's not your fault anyways."

"I know how it feels to lose your family. And I know it doesn't feel good."

"What doesn't feel good?" a familiar voice asked, a body sliding into the booth to sit next to Jade. Natsu.

"Oh, hi Natsu! When did you get here?" Mira asked.

"Just now. Happy made me buy him a fish." Natsu grinned. "So? What doesn't feel good? Getting drunk? Throwing yourself off a cliff? Jumping from a building into a pit of flaming--"

"No!" Mira sighed. "Just... ask Jade." She turned around and began scrubbing dishes and humming softly to herself.

"What's wrong?" Natsu asked, frowning at Jade.

"I, um..." Jade sighed. Natsu was her best friend. If she couldn't trust him, then she couldn't trust anyone. "I lost my parents." she sighed. "In an accident."

Natsu was silent. "Oh."

Jade glared at him. "Well yeah, "oh"! They're dead!"

Natsu just stared at the counter, playing with his thumbs with fond interest. "Sorry."

Jade sighed. "I'm so sick of people saying they're sorry. It's not like its their fault, and it's not like I need their sympathy, I can get over it myself."

"Hey, we're family, remember?" Natsu poked her arm playfully. "We do stuff together. Which means we cry together, we laugh together, so we're gonna get over this together."

Jade stared at Natsu, then smiled. "Okay."

"So..." Natsu scratched his head. "Do you wanna go somewhere? To make you feel better?"

Jade's smile widened. "Sure, where?"

"Like that café on the corner street?"

"Um, the one on Main Street?"

"Yeah, that one!"


Natsu linked his arm through Jade's. "Then come on!"

The two walked out of the guild together, towards the café down the street.

As Jade reached for her wallet, Natsu grabbed her arm. "That's okay, I'm paying."

"But... you never pay. You always make Gray pay or something." Jade blinked.

"Well, this is special!" Natsu argued. "Unless you really want to pay, then..."

Jade laughed, and kissed his cheek. "Thanks, Natsu."

He blushed 100 shades of red. "You're welcome, Jade."

-written by Jade-san

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