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Rami quickly dropped Gwen off at her car and sped away. He didn't want to be dragged onto the lot by Maria. She had left message after message. He knew since the day he hired her Maria that she was in love with him. That wouldn't be an issue if Maria wasn't so money based and selfish. He had always hit on her in the past and he thought it was cute, he had even taken Maria on a few dates. She would come off very pleasant and well trained, like a dog almost. In the work place she was professional and kept to herself getting the job done. At least that's what Rami had thought. As time went on he noticed his female co-stars avoided him, his makeup artist hated him refusing to talk to him. He remembered the day he saw how awful Maria was.

She was in a tight red dress, she held a pencil between her lips eyeing Rami down essentially turning him on. He was called on set and she had to deal with a female publisher who continuously emailed, called and interviewed him. He knew the red head had a small crush on him the second he laid eyes on her. She was undetectably jittery to most people and very professional except for the one time she slipped him her number giving a small wink. Maria was the one who got ahold of it though. The director looked at Rami disappointed.

"Megan his makeup is all wrong! It looks like you've done it in two minutes." He yelled. That's because she did but Rami didn't want to put his two sense in. It seemed like she already had some sort of vendetta against him and he didn't want to make it worse, especially since she worked around his eyes. "What the hell! I expected so much better from you." Megan held her head low trying to avoid eye contact.

"I'm sorry, I rushed her. Maria said I was going to miss my call." The director rolled his eyes.

"Of corse Maria did. Well Megan, go fix it. You have time." She dragged him by the arm to her chair hoping Maria was no where to be seen.

"Why did you do that?" Megan said.

"Because you don't deserve to be yelled at. You're very talented you know." Rami spoke. This left an awkward silence between the two as Megan scribbled eyeliner onto his eye more. "I don't know what I did to you but I'm sorry for it." Rami finally said.

"Well, Maria told us all how you feel. We know you two are in a committed relationship and all but you shouldn't think of other girls like they're dirty objects." Megan sounded furious. "And the fact that you waltz around like you're everyone's best friend, trying to talk to us. It's almost offensive."

"Maria and I aren't dating. I will admit we may have drunkenly slept together once or twice but  we're not an item." He liked Maria as an assistant, and nothing more besides the occasional sex too. "Will you give me a minute." Megan nodded as he began to walk away.

"Wait." He turned. "I'm sorry for lashing out on you. She painted you to be some misogynistic token who treats women horribly." He smiled at her walking away.

Maria answered Rami's phone, knowing that the red headed slut would be calling any time soon. Like noted the phone rang, her number popped up on the screen. Maria answered and didn't say anything, quickly throwing it on speaker. She wanted to hear every bit of this girl get crushed.

"Hello, this is Carolin calling for Mr.Malek." She could hear the girl sounding some what excited.

"Mr.Malek can not take your calls at the moment. This is his assistant and fiancé answering for him right now. He is in the middle of filming what would you like Carolin?"

"Oh, we had scheduled a meeting to do an interview-"

"Cancel it." Maria demanded, her face said it all. Rami had his ear pressed agains the cool, heavy gray door.

"What?" Carolin felt dumb, she could hear it and so could Rami. "This is a big interview with  Rolling Stone-"

"I want it cancelled. I want you to never call this number again. I want you to never contact my fiancé again. You can try to take him from me but he will see you as nothing but an easy whore. He will amuse you and go on a date with you for fun, to lead you on for amusement. To put it in the simplest terms, his dick is mine." Maria hissed, as demanded the line went dead. Rami stood there very still watching the whole situation go down, she was clearly obsessed with him. He couldn't handle that, but he also couldn't handle having to get another assistant. He couldn't fire Maria either. His manager would never work with him the same again. He did hire Maria and that was in fact his managers cousin. Rami was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He pushed the door open. "Hi sweetie, don't they need you ." This was a whole new person. Rami spoke very soft and very slowly.

"I am not your fiancé. That was very unprofessional and I don't know how to handle what you just did." He stood in the empty room with her. She stood up and slowly walked towards him. "No, we are just done." She looked concerned as Rami began to walk out not feeling anything.

"Did you just fire me?"

"No, but you are to only be my assistant. Nothing more." He walked out as she called to him.

"Don't worry, you'll be back. I can handle a break." He slammed the door laughing.

To this day Maria was still protective of him, he knew this and was shocked at the fact Gwen stayed so long. He knew Maria wasn't going to be able to handle it when she was fired, but with the change of manager she wasn't needed for much longer. Rami looked at the script left on his car seat that Gwen had left behind. He remembered what was written so far and all the talent that hid between those pages and new how he was spending the rest of the night.

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