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"It's kind of a long story..."

"You made me think you were dead for a year. I have time."


Let's rewind and start from the beginning. I'm Violet Williams and I'm sixteen years old. This year was the beginning of junior year but things in my life had changed drastically: my best friend, Courtney Davis, moved to Kentucky leaving me alone in South Carolina. Now this little event triggered a few other things such as a new school, new friends, etc. What didn't change was her and I talking every day and that's where we begin.

I was talking to her on the phone like I would any other night. We would talk for hours on end and sometimes well into the night. It may have been eleven or so when we got off the phone that night and I immediately went to sleep. When I woke up, I felt off but I just assumed I was tired. I got ready, went to school, and followed my routine. Around ten in the morning I saw my phone light up and it was Courtney's mom. Weird. I motioned to my teacher that I was stepping outside and I answered the phone. Nothing in the world would have prepared me for what was waiting on the other line.

Courtney died last night. Those word echoed in my head even though she was still talking. I felt my stomach drop and my jaw clenched.

"I've got to go." I whispered into the phone.

I walked back into the classroom, got my stuff and left. I was doing everything in my power to not break down in school, but as soon as I stepped out of that building my facade fell. Tears ran freely down my face as I walked to my car. With a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, I got in my car and curled into a ball. I had talked to her just hours before and now she was gone. Something as simple as a house fire had taken my best friend from me. My life had quite literally been burnt to ashes.

After that, I went straight home and locked myself in my room. People came in trying to talk to me, but I simply refused. I hardly moved from my bed and that was the day my life stopped.

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