the entrance

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sanne's pov

there was I on the line for the thirty seconds to mars since yesterday, from 4 a.m.

and today was the concert

and i was with 2 friends

i'm really happy

jack's pov

i was going on my way to the arena to ser the thirty seconds to mars concert

i'm going to finally see my idols

i finally reached my group

me: hey guys

cam: hey jack

everyone else greeted me

i sat on the floor and we began to play cards

after a few games the line started moving so we started to walk to

10 minutes left until the concert begins

i would stay in the 7th line probably

sanne's pov

9 minutes left

i was definitely not going to be on the front

all though i could try to reach the front line

amber: i can't wait, i'll see shannon for the first time, she said hysterically

me: and i'll see jesus

maddie: you and jared are my otp

me: we are everyones otp

amber: his jesus and you're a peasant

me: you love me, shut up

amber: i do, she played with my cheeks

me: ohhh amberken

amber: ohhh potato

me: amber, stop it

maddie: ugh, you discussing people that i love

me and amber: screw you, then we hugged

jk, we gave her a kind of a slap

how romantic

maddie: you suck guys

'8 minutes left' a guy with pink hair said


yeah, she screamed

and the guy looked at her smirking

me: oh god, she needs to calm down, i wishperd so they wouldn't understand a word

amber: i heard that

me: lol

maddie: lol, you are so 2010

me: look who's speaking


guard: with that attitude you will not even reach the gates

amber: oh okay, she said sarcastically offended

maddie: that was funny

jack's pov

3 minutes left



people looked at us like 'wtf'


some random pink haired guy: of course we know, now shut up

you shut up, i thought

cam: 2 minutes left

me: i cannot wait

cam: me neither, he said

joe: there comes mariah and kara

mariah was the blonde girl

the girl that had and has a crush on me

she is pretty, really pretty

a good girl, but i only see her as a friend

mariah: hey guys! sorry for being late, but here kara needed to go to the mall first to eat something

kara: don't blame me, you also wanted to eat

me: ok whatever, you're just so lucky that you are here in the front and no one is complimenting!

mariah: yeah, i know, thanks guys

kara: yeah, thanks

the doors are open


jaiden's pov

after 20 minutes we were already inside the arena

it was huge

and i was on the 10th (which i was in real life)

shitty but ok

we sat on the floor and the pink haired guy was by our side


me: hey weren't you the guy that was in the front of the line?

pink haired guy: i was, but i have asthma

me: oh, sorry for asking..

pink haired guy: it's ok, by the way, i'm brad, you?

me: nice to meet you brad! i'm sanne

brad: never met someone with that name.. cool

me: ahah, not many people have it

someone: hey brad, wanna go to the other side? there's no one and you have a better view

brad: sure, uh... nice meating you sanne, see you someday

me: bye brad, nice meeting you too, hope to see you

then he left

if he had brown hair he would be really hot

but he already is nice so yeah

1 hour passed quickly

you me at six already played

they were great

and there's a few minutes left for thirty seconds to mars

after those minutes they got in so my friends and i tried to go in the front

and we did it

the concert began with jared right there

in his sunglasses, jacket, and his beautiful hair

fuck, i love him, he looks like jesus

and then tomo was there and i was dying, he looked so hot

and shannon looked sexy like always

that's when i noticed that was in the 7th line

i ship this

(a/n so this was the first chapter... hope you enjoyed, please vote comment and share! as u see i love 30stm lool)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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