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Lilith Priest portrayed by Danielle Campbell.

Lilith Priest portrayed by Danielle Campbell

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She didn't want to be here.
In GreenDale.
Yet she's heard the whispers
And got her demands so here she is.
Miss Lilith Priest returns to GreenDale.
The city that failed her that denied her.

Slowly Lilith began her walk up to the SpellMan household. Playing with the zipper of her coat to distract her from the feeling she has inside. Soon enough the graveyard came into view. A familiar and comforting sight for Lilith. The wind collided with her skin and now she wished for the warmth of the house. Lilith hadn't even noticed it was raining until she went to move her hair behind her ear.
"I hope to Satan this goes well" she whispered. It felt like she hadn't spoken in years, her voice felt so foreign to her own ears. The wood creaked when Lilith foot made contact with it, as soon she was at the door. Her hand balled into a fist as it struck the door loudly. Alerting the witches of her presence, soon the door swung open and warm hit against Lilith skin, causing her to close her eyes and take it in for a split second.
"Lilith is that you" a little English voice asked, she smiled.
"Hello Hilda" Lilith spoke, formal for a change.
"Oh I know that voice, please come in, would you like a cuppa" Hilda asked, Lilith smiled at the woman's gesture and accepted, following her into the kitchen. The house warmed up Liliths body in no time
"Auntie I heard a knock on the door, is everything alright" a familiar voice rang through the kitchen, Lilith turned around and faced him.
"Yes Ambrose everything is fine, now go back to your dead body's" Lilith told him, she was being sour with him yes, but she wasn't here to enjoy peoples company she was here to work, taking of work.
"Where is Sabrina" Lilith asked, straight to the point as always.
"I see your working then" Hilda said, now Lilith loves Hilda but at the minute, Hilda is the enemy, or so the high Priest says. Once the cup of tea was in Liliths had she did a quick spell to make sure it didn't have any potions in, sure enough she found no traces so drank from the cup.
"You never answered my question" I told Hilda placing the cup down and crossing my arms.
"She's at school at the moment" Hilda informed her.
"The academy of unseen arts" Lilith asked confused, she wouldn't have been sent here if Sabrina was attending.
"No, the school down the road" Hilda told the old Witch, being honest as there was no point in lying to Lilith.
"Your telling me, a witch Sorry half witch is at a mundane school" Lilith asked shocked, that's no place for a witch.
"Oh come on Lilith, youve heard the whisperings I know you have" Hilda said, Lilith shook her head, disappointed.
"When is she due home" Lilith asked, Hilda licked her lips
"In around 2 hours" Hilda told her, Lilith shook her head
"I'll show you to your room" Hilda said, Lilith smiled and followed close behind her. Soon she was in a familiar room. Liliths fingertips traced some areas of the room, her nose inhaled the scent and her eyes scanned the furniture, Lilith came to the conclusion that she had indeed been in this room, she just couldn't remember when.
"Are you okay there Honey" Hilda asked after watching the witch
"Yes" Lilith told her, still trying to figure out the room. Lilith heard footsteps, Hilda had left to go downstairs, thinking it would be better to let Lilith settle in, but something was playing on Hilda's mind, The way Lilith knew the room, it was room that had been sectioned off for years, but something in Hilda told her to give it to Lilith. Hilda soon found herself looking through books, history books of the house, trying to find at trace of Lilith Priest, which at first the thought was absurd as Lilith only looked 17.
"What are you doing" Zelda asked her sister,
"We have a visitor in the sectioned off room" Hilda told her, Zeldas face showed confusion
"Lilith Priest is here" Hilda added, Zeldas face dropped she knew that only meant one thing
"Hilda do you remember Lilith " Zelda asked, Hilda thought for a second yes she knew Lilith, but she didnt know her story, so Hilda shook her head hoping her sister will tell her
"Lilith was Satan's best friend when he walked the earth" Zelda told her sister
"But that ridiculous, she looks 17 and she would be dead by now" Hilda replied, it's not that she didn't believe her sister she just didn't believe it was possible.
"It's said, our lord let her keep her looks so when she returned to hell she would look identical he also granted her 9 lives, once they are up she will return to him" Zelda explained to her sister.
"Why would he do that" Hilda asked
"They are rumours Hilda, they may not be true, however she did walk the earth at the same time as Satan" Zelda said, leaving to talk to the witch.
While Zelda was explaining everything, Lilith was up in her room relaxing on her bed.
"Tired" a voice asked, Lilith was confused so she opened her eyes
"Nick" she asked confused he just smiled. The young Warlock was so smitten by Lilith he would risk astroprogection to see her.
"Your not here are you" Lilith asked, disappointment laced her voice, she wanted the young warlock to hold her.
"Unfortunately no, but the quicker Sabrina's Dark Baptism comes around the quicker I can be with you" he told her. Lilith felt flattered by his words.
"Your hairs wet" Nick pointed out but Lilith heard the familiar sound of a psychopop.
"I know Nick, now you must go" Lilith begged him
"But Lil, I've only just got here" Nick said, the warlock wanted to see her, he wanted to have more time.
"You'll be ill, with wet hair and wet clothes comes sickness" Nick told her
"Nick I know that" she told him, Lilith had gotten so used to the wet clothes she completely forgot they was wet, and now so was her bed. Out the corner of her eye Lilith saw 3 psychopops in her window.
"Nick you have to go" she told him. Lilith knew she could just ask Lucifer to bring him back if the psychopops took him but she didn't want to do it.
"Alright Lil I'll go" Nick said eying the psychopops. But Liliths door had just burst open.
"Am I interrupting" Zelda asked, Lilith looked over at Nick, he just smirked.
"See you soon Lil" he said before disappearing.
"Ever heard of knocking" Lilith asked annoyed, did people not know manners.
"My sister told me you were here and I want to know why" Zelda asked almost challenging Lilith.
"For work" Lilith told her. Giving away as little as possible.
"I've heard your asking about Sabrina" Zelda continued to push.
"I'm curious now if you wouldn't mind I have to bathe" Lilith said, her clothes were sticking to her and it was getting annoying.
"Change my bedsheets" Lilith ordered walking past Zelda, who just stood there shocked.
"I'm not your maid" Zelda told her spinning around, Lilith stopped walking
"Excuse me" Lilith asked Zelda closed her eyes knowing she had messed up.
"Nothing Lilith" Zelda said, silently praying to Satan she wouldn't press the matter. Lilith just smiled and ran herself a bath. Time to relax until Sabrina returned. That's when the fun would really begin.

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