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Lilith has relaxed for too long

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Lilith has relaxed for too long.
No surprise there.
The bath had calmed her and relaxed her tired body, it took her a while to force herself out of it. But that wasn't by choice. Ambrose had alerted the old witch that Supper was ready so Liliths Empty stomach forced her out.

Lilith began her decline down the stairs, laugher filled her ears instantly and a wave of both happiness and fear hit against her skin causing goosebumps to rise, as them to emotions aren't the best when put together.
Lilith demanded that the witch knew she was there. Her fingers ran against the door and her foot collided with the floor, this caused all 4 of them to look up at her. Confusion flooded Sabrina's face but so did fear, Sabrina recognised Liliths face, from nightmares, from evil stories, from a book on the devil.
"Lilith please take a seat" Ambrose said actually sitting in his mini sofa. Lilith smiled and practically glided across the floor. But Sabrina didn't want her to get any closer, she didn't trust her, she feared her. Lilith knew this by the aura that surrounded the half breed and Lilith took happiness knowing Sabrina felt that way.
"What's for Supper" Lilith questioned sitting beside Ambrose.
"Chicken from the bone with gravy and mash" Hilda said, Lilith smiled
"A very English meal, I like it" Lilith said, but Hilda already knew that, she didn't want Satan's Love to have food she hated. Soon the food was placed in front of Lilith as usual she did a quick spell check before eating, It came back clear so she began devouring it.
While Zelda sat near her, Suddenly not hungry, confusion and worry now filled her stomach. Zelda wondered what Lilith was going to do and why she hadn't even spoke to Sabrina yet. Lilith couldn't be trusted not when it came to her missions.
"Zelda you reek of confusion and worry what on Satan's earth is the matter with you" Lilith asked, the smell is one she can't stand.
"Nothing Mrs Priest" Zelda replied, looking at her supper before walking out. Once Lilith saw her leave she began her mission.
"So Sabrina, your aunt tells me you go to a human school is that correct" Lilith asked, she needed to know everything about Sabrina even if the half breed doesn't trust her, she will find out everything.
"Yes I do" Sabrina replied. Lilith noticed instantly the short sentence was to with hold information. Luckily Lilith has the patience of a saint, ironic isn't it.
Lilith asked a few more questions but again only 4 word replies. Lilith soon gave in and went back to bed. Her body aching to rest for a while, or maybe a day? But Lilith needed Nicks help, she didn't know what to do. How could she get close to the half breed if the half breed wouldn't even look at her.
Lilith set the candles up and closed her eyes before astroprojecting to Nick.
Once she was in his door she noticed he was half asleep, lucky him.
"Ohhh Nicky" she whispered, nicks eyes suddenly opened, upon hearing her voice. He knew he was tired but he couldn't have slept for 2 days. Could he? Nick reached out of her but his hand went straight through her knee causing Lilith to laugh.
"I need you help" Lilith told him, Nick sat up instantly wanting to do anything to help her.
"Sabrina won't even look at me or talk to me how am I supposed to get close to her" Lilith asked hearing the sound of a pyschopop.
Nick glanced over at it.
"Use your Familiar" nick suggested, not only to help Lilith but because the Husky had been driving him mad with its constant cries for Lilith so he wanted to get rid of the thing.
"Where is Cleo" Lilith asked causing Nick to open the bathroom door.
"You locked her in the bathroom" Lilith asked shocked
"She wouldn't stop crying, so please take her" Nick begged, Lilith just smiled and nodded, causing Cleo to head to the Spellman household. Nicks eyes widened when he looked to the floor and saw 5 psychopops.
"Lilith you should leave" nick said glaring at them. But the old witch didn't want to, she wanted to stay. Sabrina wasnt going to turn to the dark side. Sabrina was to innocent. But before Lilith could say goodbye she was shook awake by Ambrose.
"What" Lilith yelled pushing him away.
"I was worried, half the candles were out and your body was shaking" Ambrose told her, Ambrose had watched over her body for around 2 minutes before he decided it was time to bring her back, he did it from the kindness of his heart and Lilith knew that. That's why she didn't snap, though she was annoyed she never got to say goodbye to nick. Ambrose then guided the witch to her bed.
"Ambrose, I need your help" Lilith said
"With Sabrina" Ambrose asked Lilith just nodded but her eyes were closed and her brain shutting down.
"Your too tired at the minute, we shall speak tomorrow" Ambrose said before leaving but Lilith didn't want to speak to tomorrow, she's running out of time, she needs to speak now. Well that's what she wanted, but her body had other plans. Liliths last sight was Cleo strolling into her room with her paws making patter sounds while hitting the laminate floor before leaping beside Lilith in bed. The last sound to fill Liliths ears was Cleos soft cries, this isn't gonna be good.

Lilith felt boiling when she "awoke" but her eyes adapted to the sights around her, Lilith knew this place all to well. Yet she should have known her body doesn't shut down unless Lucifer needs her. Scowling Lilith spun around.
"Ahh my beautiful girl" Lucifer said stricken this hand through her brown hair, but Lilith didn't give him a reaction.
"It's getting hotter down here" Lilith told him, fanning herself with her hand. Lucifer smiled and clicked his fingers causing the heat to drop dramatically.
"So Sabrina" Lucifer said, Lilith just looked up at him and shook her head
"You know it's not going to work, are you that cruel you don't want me to be happy" Lilith asked anger fuelling her
"You are happy, with me" Lucifer said, but it was no point trying to persuade her and he knew that. But he wasn't going to let her go to Nick without a fight. Without a fight that Lucifer knew he would win.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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