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Third person P.O.V.

As the six boys were looking for the second youngest member, they were all worried sick.

"We've looked everywhere! What if he got kidnapped? Raped? Or even worse, murdered! This is all of our faults. We should have never invited that boy back into the dorm, if we didn't then Tae would still be safe and at home! We might never see him aga—" Hoseok rambled until he got cut off by the leader.

"Hoseok! This is a bad situation but we don't need to be thinking about the negative parts right now, we just need to find Taehyung. He could not have gotten that far, he gets tired after running or walking for a few minutes." The leader said, trying to make the situation at hand seem better.

"But that's exactly what we should be prepared for. We don't know where or how he is. He is most likely not in a safe place since he never has anything in his wallet, he doesn't like carrying things in there but he likes holding it." The eldest of the maknae line said, his eyes dark and filled with fear.

The group went quiet, the only sound that they heard was the soft humming of the engine running.

After a few minutes, which seemed like hours to the boys, one of them shouted.

"Pull over! He's right there!" Jeongguk exclaimed, pointing at a small figure that was laying on the hard, cold sidewalk.

Seokjin quickly pulled over, and all of the boys came tumbling out of the van. When they all got out, they rushed to the figure.

The second oldest got there first, as he was the first to bolt towards the boy.

Yoongi cradled the small boy in his arms, uncovering his red and dry tear stained face.

Their hearts broke at the sight, knowing very well that it was their fault that the boy was in this state.

"He's really cold, let's get him inside the van so he doesn't catch a cold."

And with that, Yoongi carried the boy into the car and placed him down on his lap, giving the small boy his body warmth.

And with that, the rest piled in and they drove off.


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