Chapter 13 is here as promised.I hope you all had a great Sunday and if your English like me just hold tight. This lockdown will hopefully be over soon.
Hope you like the chapter.
That was just the tip of the iceberg with regards to how I was feeling right about now.
I rested my head against the headboard refusing to move, my arms wrapped around the pillow as I hugged it close to my chest for comfort. My hair was messy and loose as it sprawled around my tear soaked face, the tears only recently stopped falling.
How could he have lied to me like that?
Telling me he had waited for me and yet he hadn't, Rita bragging about how Adrenous was hers. I assumed they had fucked too. It was obvious the way she had boasted that she would bear his mark, he must have said something to her to make her believe that was true.
I know it was ridiculous to feel this emotional over a man I barely knew but I thought he was telling the truth when he said I belonged with him. Though given everything I had learned it was evident he would need a stronger mate to take my place. Not a weak abomination who knew nothing of their ways, nor their beliefs.
I was vulnerable.
To much of a risk to his Kingdom. He had already stated it himself, to his enemies I was an obvious target. Someone they could use to bring this place to it's knees, just as Tristan had said, though what he meant exactly still puzzled me and I hadn't even told Adrenous.
Whether that was the right or wrong decision I would probably find out one way or another.
I didn't really care about that right now, too caught up in my own pain as I let out a shaky breath, trying to hone in my emotions to prevent another outburst of tears. That was the last thing I wanted right about now.
I was wrong...
This was the last thing I wanted right about now.
I looked up to see that Adrenous was standing at the foot of my bed. Being too occupied in my own thoughts I hadn't even heard the door open. I slammed my head back down against the headboard, tuning my face to the side, not wanting to see him. "Alivia, Hunter told me what happened."
I don't respond as he settles himself on the bed next to my legs. "Ali, please let me explain."
"I'm not bothered, I didn't want to stay here anyway. Soon once I'm done here I'm going home." I retort, not even meeting his red orbs, which from the corner of my, look regretful.
It hurt my heart to speak the words, but what could I do? I was never going to be his when he had another.
"Don't say things you don't mean." He warns softly. Cocky words for someone who couldn't see what was going on inside my mind, even if he was right. I didn't mean them at all but I was hurt and stubborn. "Me and Rita have been separated for two years now. I never intended to mark her or have her by my side In the future. She knew that from the moment we got together. She's just angry and jealous." He explained, his eyes assessing me closely, searching for a response.
I looked up at him, my eyes reflecting the heartbreak as I spoke, "How do you expect me to believe that? You made it clear that you had waited for me and yet I find out from someone else that you hadn't waited like you had me believe." My voice held a hard edge towards the end as I chuckle, no humour in the action as I add, "The funny thing is, if the shoe was on the other foot this would be a whole other story. I saw how furious you acted towards Tris when you thought we were together."

The Wolven King {18+} (Sample)
Werewolf[COMPLETED] As I was beginning to relax, a new terror coursed through my body at his next word, "Strip." "Ex-excuse me?" I blurted out. I wasn't getting undressed in front of him, I barely knew him. He must have been trying to gain something from m...